
Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for the latest events, advocacy, and bad jokes.


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Past Weekly Newsletters

Newsletter: high honors

things to celebrate on a rainy weekend


Newsletter: loud engines and quiet corners

We all do what we can to deny the cold indifference of the universe but I sure wish the car culture crowd would find a way to do so that doesn’t undermine the health and safety of the rest of us.


Newsletter: ground truthing

Maps are fun, but so is getting lost.


Newsletter: telling stories

Local news is important.


Newsletter: rainy day activities

Don’t ride in a tropical storm, hone your route-planning skills instead.


Newsletter: Nature doing its thing

Sometimes all it takes is a whole lot of turtles.


Newsletter: Cornering at speed.

Places to go zooooooooom on your bike.


Newsletter: Read this later.

It’s too nice out.


Newsletter: A good map

And also a confession.


Newsletter: preparations and official recommendations

The real risk of riding in winter weather.


Newsletter: questionable schemes by moonlight

A civilized way to move through a series of vibrant human spaces.


Newsletter: in praise of the Trolley Trail

A civilized way to move through a series of vibrant human spaces.


Newsletter: tell me about your bike internet

Finding cool bike content in a post-twitter digital universe.


Newsletter: into the darkness

a lot of words about bike lights.


Newsletter: behind the scenes

Photos from ride prep.


Newsletter: why are we like this

Basically: endorphins and adrenaline.


Newsletter: showing off

If you’re in a grim mood, grab a cup of coffee and a seat on a bench in Alethia Tanner Park and watch humanity pedal by. 


Newsletter: biking and belonging

Like riding the school bus as kids or walking to class in college, a great bike trail lets you keep being a community even while you’re between destinations.


Newsletter: broken bumpers and the bare minimum

Vision Zero is really just the baseline.


Newsletter: 17-year freewheels

It’s too nice out.


Newsletter: headspace infrastructure

What keeps you going when you’re tired?


Newsletter: antidotes to the spreadsheet blues

Even when you’re not riding yourself, bikes are a source of joy.


Newsletter: Flowers, Signups, Tacos

The best flowers you can see from your bike.


Newsletter: support your neighborhood bike shop

Flat tires, man.


Newsletter: permission slip

Sweat is ok.


Newsletter: doesn’t look like the robots will save us

More trains, more buses, and more bike lanes. Everything else is tinkering at the margins. 


Newsletter: 100 feet per mile

Hills are what you make of them.


Newsletter: fluvial synergy

Ride your bike to rent a boat. It’s rad.


Newsletter: the soft, warm light of catastrophe

Will a blanket of toxic smoke stretching from New York to the nation’s capital be the wake-up-call our elected leaders need?


Newsletter: Happy Bike to Work Day

Who ate the most bananas?


Newsletter: Two Secret Ingredients

Keys to a happy bike ride.


Newsletter: sensory route planning

How to feel your ride.


Newsletter: The business ruse

Complete Streets are good for business, and no amount of economic activity is worth letting people die at the hands of drivers. 


Newsletter: A fun route idea for the weekend

A route-planning puzzle, good news about the Zoo, some cool bike parking, and more.


Newsletter: Pollen

The Mayor’s budget, new Capital Bikeshare fleet, and more.


Newsletter: Consult Your Dentist Before Reading

The DC Auditor’s report on Vision Zero, name a new trail, and more


Newsletter: Bike Parking and Reclaiming Space

What if, instead of half a million dollars in police overtime, all you needed for an Open Streets event was some friends and a football? 


Weekly Newsletter: January 27th, 2023

E-bikes, Ducks vs Disney Songs,


Newsletter: The past is real.

Trash fires, human geography, rain gear, and a really nice ride suggestions.


Newsletter: The legacy of Stan the Sinkhole

Trail Cleanups, Improvements coming for the Suitland Parkway Trail and 11th St NW, and more.