“Black Women Bike” Happy Hour Tonight

Black Women Bike Happy Hour Friday, June 17 · 5:00pm – 7:00pm The Liaison Capitol Hill And Art & Soul Restaurant 415 New Jersey Ave NW https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=161674717231382 Because in some…

Blog Post last updated by Shane Farthing on June 21, 2011.

Blog Post last updated by Shane Farthing on June 21, 2011.


That’s safe cycling, not arrogance, says MDOT

…a nearby trail. And then the driver prepares a radio commentary or circulates a letter asking why those cyclists are on the road instead of the trail. In this year’s…

Blog Post last updated by Shane Farthing on April 28, 2011.

Blog Post last updated by Shane Farthing on April 28, 2011.


Come Celebrate the 15th St. Cycle Track on Friday

…cycle track. We’ll be asking cyclists to stop and get their picture taken with us and we’ll post everything here on Monday. Come on out and celebrate DC’s commitment to…

Blog Post last updated by Greg Billing on March 3, 2011.

Blog Post last updated by Greg Billing on March 3, 2011.


Winter Riding Part I: How to Ride

We all knew this season was coming. It seems like only yesterday we were riding around in shorts and cranking up the AC, but here we are in December already,…

Blog Post last updated by Daniel Hoagland on December 9, 2010.

Blog Post last updated by Daniel Hoagland on December 9, 2010.


Supporting Bike Parking Legislation

…written testimony is below, and we encourage bicyclists to email the Committee by 5pm on Thursday to express their support for the Act. Bicycle Commuter Parking Expansion Amendment Act Statement…

Blog Post last updated by Daniel Hoagland on December 1, 2010.

Blog Post last updated by Daniel Hoagland on December 1, 2010.