Montgomery County Budget
Montgomery County's budgeting process, both for its annual budget and its 6-year Capital Improvement Program, takes place in the spring. WABA works with grassroots advocates and partner organizations to build support on the County Council for funding individual projects and to ensure that the relevant agencies (usually Parks, Planning, Transportation) have the resources required to grow and maintain the County's active transportation network.
Current priorities include funding the Montgomery County Equitable Bikeways proposal, completion of the Capital Crescent Trail from Bethesda to Silver Spring, and developing an e-bike purchase rebate program.
Events, Actions & Resources:
Montgomery County Active Transportation Advocacy Training
Mar 9, 2025
Free training to advocate for active transportation in Montgomery County.
5th Great Montgomery County Bike Summit
Sep 29, 2024
This event took place on Sep 29, 2024
Letter: Montgomery County FY25-30 CIP should focus on Safety and Connectivity
The County's CIP should address dangerous trail / road intersections, and close gaps in the trail network.
Letter: Montgomery County Pedestrian Master Plan
The plan is strong, but needs it needs funding, and its focus on in-person enforcement does not align with equity goals.
Letter: RAISE Grant for the Capital Crescent Trail Tunnel
Support for a safe, grade-separated crossing where the Capital Crescent Trail intersects with Wisconsin Ave in Bethesda.
Related Campaigns:
WABA fights for a region where biking, walking and transit are the best ways to get around.
We educate policymakers and organize grassroots advocates for to speak up for safer places to bike and walk; and for laws and policies that protect people who are walking and biking, reduce dangerous driving, and facilitate changes to the built environment.
Laws & Policy
WABA works with grassroots advocates at the local, county and state level to support laws and policies that make it easier and safer to walk, bike, and take transit. And we work to changes ones that make biking less safe, make it harder to build bike infrastructure, or that deprioritize the safety and convenience of people walking, biking, or taking transit.
In practice that means advocating for robust and transformative Vision Zero programs, enforceable Complete Streets policies, and funding for new infrastructure that supports biking, walking and transit.
Other regional legislative priorities include:
- Reforming Contributory Negligence (passed in DC, in the works in Maryland and Virginia).
- Getting rid of the Level of Service engineering standards in transportation decision-making.
- Funding E-bike purchase rebates.