Looking for a ride to join? An advocate meetup? A Learn to Ride class?
Speak up for better biking, walking and transit across the DC region.
Got questions about biking?
WABA empowers people to ride bikes, build connections, and transform places. We fight for a just and sustainable transportation system where walking, biking, and transit are the best ways to get around.
4th & S St NE on the Met Branch Trail
Join the Trail Rangers for a cup of coffee on the Met Branch Trail!
Turkey Thicket Rec Center
Take a ride through Ward 5’s bike infrastructure!
Jones Point Park, Alexandria
More joy, less stress! Confident City Cycling teaches you the skills you need to ride safely and confidently on streets, bike lanes, and in traffic.
Kraken- Bryant Street
Join us for the 21st edition of the 50 States Ride– with a signature route that visits every state-named avenue, and two other joyful ride options, you will explore every corner of DC.
WABA Signature Event - WABA Signature Event
Basic Skills Clinics are the next step for those who recently took a Learn to Ride class or who have not been on a bike in some time.
Davis Construction, Rockville
Learn to ride a bike in about three hours!
Weigh in on initial designs for a more bike/pedestrian-friendly Long Bridge Dr, now through 9/29.
Background on ActiveFairfax – what it is, why it’s important, and how to take action.
Share feedback with the NPS to improve the future design of the Anacostia River Trail by Aug. 30th!
Exciting news out of Fairfax and elsewhere in Northern Virginia, plus several events!
The Washington Area Bicyclist Association is seeking six committed and dedicated youth, ages 14-18, for the second year of the Prince George’s County Vision Zero Youth Leadership Institute.
We hope your summer is going well. WABA’s Advocacy team has been busy! Here’s our latest quarterly Prince George’s County advocacy update, #3 for 2024.
Report crashes, harassment & assaults. Help improve enforcement & safety.Find a supporting attorney.
Help make bicycling better in the Washington area.
Keep up with WABA by following us.