Virginia Legislation
Virginia's legislative sessions are brief and hectic. Over the course of the year, WABA works with a variety of partners including the Virginia Bicycling Federation to build support for bike-friendly legislation, as well as funding for trails and street safety improvements.
Past victories include law requiring drivers to pass bicyclists with at least three feet of space, allowing bicycles on VRE Trains, and funding for the Long Bridge bike and pedestrian crossing over the Potomac River. Current priorities include legalizing the Bicycle Stop-as-Yield, an e-bike purchase incentive program, and allowing bicyclists to proceed on the Leading Pedestrian Interval at stop lights.
Events, Actions & Resources:
Action Alert
Wrapping up the 2025 Virginia General Assembly Session
The 2025 Virginia General Assembly is adjourned but there are still some things you can do.
Action Alert
2025 Virginia General Assembly Bill Tracker: Post-Crossover Edition
Lots of bills to improve speed enforcement in Virginia this General Assembly.
VDOT Maintenance Study Talking Points
Talking points in support of Virginia legislation mandating a study of VDOT maintenance practices.
Action Alert
Bills we’re tracking in the 2025 Virginia Legislative Session
Better speed enforcement and more funding for bike infrastructure and maintenance.
Related Campaigns:
WABA fights for a region where biking, walking and transit are the best ways to get around.
We educate policymakers and organize grassroots advocates for to speak up for safer places to bike and walk; and for laws and policies that protect people who are walking and biking, reduce dangerous driving, and facilitate changes to the built environment.
Laws & Policy
WABA works with grassroots advocates at the local, county and state level to support laws and policies that make it easier and safer to walk, bike, and take transit. And we work to changes ones that make biking less safe, make it harder to build bike infrastructure, or that deprioritize the safety and convenience of people walking, biking, or taking transit.
In practice that means advocating for robust and transformative Vision Zero programs, enforceable Complete Streets policies, and funding for new infrastructure that supports biking, walking and transit.
Other regional legislative priorities include:
- Reforming Contributory Negligence (passed in DC, in the works in Maryland and Virginia).
- Getting rid of the Level of Service engineering standards in transportation decision-making.
- Funding E-bike purchase rebates.