WABA supports the establishment of a Maryland Vision Zero Advisory Commission, via HB 344, as well as the bill’s advisory and reporting provisions.
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HB 344: Transportation - Vision Zero Advisory Commission - Establishment
House Environment and Transportation Committee
Washington Area Bicyclist Association – FAVORABLE
February 8, 2024
Chair Korman and Committee Members,
The Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) supports the establishment of a Maryland Vision Zero Advisory Commission, via HB 344, as well as the bill’s advisory and reporting provisions, as an important step toward the state’s Vision Zero goal of roadway fatalities and serious injuries by 2030.
The General Assembly passed Maryland’s Vision Zero law in 2019, and then Governor Larry Hogan signed it into law. The next year, in 2020, Maryland experienced 574 road deaths including 129 pedestrians and 15 bicyclists. We experienced 563 fatalities in 2021, 566 in 2022, and 601 in 2023, including 155 pedestrians and, again, 15 bicyclists.
Maryland is not meeting our state’s Vision Zero commitment. We have made no progress.
The commission would include a wide range of officials, experts, and advocates from around the state, to advise the governor and state agencies on Vision Zero implementation and on policies, programs, services, and priorities. It would identify state and local laws, policies, and regulations that hinder progress. These and other provisions are appropriate, and we particularly appreciate HB 344’s inclusion of representatives of bicycling and pedestrian advocacy organizations and an organization that advocates for people with disabilities.
WABA urges a Favorable HB 344 committee report and General Assembly enactment.
Thank you for the opportunity to testify on this legislation.
Serth Grimes, WABA Maryland Organizer