If you are here to report a car parked in the bike lane, a crash, a near-miss, or a dangerous road, your report will help us advocate for lasting change for the road.
We’re so sorry if you’ve been in (or witnessed) a crash or altercation. We hope you’re OK.
You can find more information on what to do after a crash here.
This form will ask you questions so that we can gather information regarding traffic incidents in the Washington area to make sure that all road users are treated fairly by local government officials when they are involved in an incident and to track areas of concern to make sure we advocate for better infrastructure.
The information you submit is not passed on to any police department or corporation and any names and email addresses will be kept strictly confidential. However, you will have the option to send your report to your local elected official and department of transportation to encourage them to make the necessary changes to the road.
We may also use aggregated information from the database to illustrate issues facing road users—dangerous intersections, flawed administrative processes, or unsafe infrastructure.
Please share our tool with friends and families. And feel free to bookmark the link on your phone and desktop web browser.
Helpful definitions:
Near-Miss: A near miss is an unplanned event that doesn’t result in injury or death, but could have (definition taken from the National Safety Council).
Dangerous Location: Unsafe road conditions that are likely to cause a crash. Among them are deep potholes, uncleared ice and snow, and unannounced changes in the road surface (e.g., uneven lanes).
Families for Safe Streets Chapters
Families for Safe Streets supports people who have been impacted by road violence. If you have been involved in a crash and would like to be connected to one of the regional chapters and the resources they provide, please click this link.
Submit a Crash Report
Need support?
DC Families for Safe Streets provides peer support for victims of traffic violence in Washington DC, and Montgomery County Families for Safe Streets does the same for victims of traffic violence in Montgomery County, MD.
Alexandria Families for Safe Streets – https://www.alxffss.org
Arlington Families for Safe Streets – https://arl.novasafestreets.org
(Note: Alexandria and Arlington are currently not providing peer support programming for crash victims)\
Now what?
If you have questions, call WABA at (202) 964-5265. Leave a message if calling after normal business hours and we’ll follow up with you.
WABA can’t dispense legal advice but, should you need one, we can suggest a local lawyer with experience representing bicyclists involved in traffic crashes. The following lawyers are part of WABA’s Supporting Attorney Program:
- Allan M. Siegel, siegel@dc-law.net; 202.659.8600; www.chaikinandsherman.com
- Bruce Deming, bruce@brucedeming.com, 703.528.4669, www.thebikelawyer.com
Note: WABA does not endorse companies, products or services. Advertising revenue supports our nonprofit mission.
WABA’s is supported by your membership dollars. Join or donate to WABA today to enable us to continue to help you in the event of a crash.