
Ride For Your Life 2024

Sunday, November 17, 2024, 9:30 AM

Wood Acres Elementary School

WABA Signature Event - Ride

For the third year running, we are joining forces with others across America to raise our voices on World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

Ride for Your Life 2024 is a 10-mile slow ride and separate one-mile walk (register here) to the Lincoln Memorial that will send a clear message about roadway safety to our leaders as a new Congress and presidential administration takes shape. The more people show up, the more attention we will get, and the safer the roads will become.

Our is the only walk/ride in the nation’s capitol aimed specifically at reducing the record numbers of people walking, biking, and driving being killed in vehicle traffic in America. We hope you will come out to represent a nation of citizens wanting to turn the tide on this crisis. Ours will be one of — and we hope the largest — of more than 100 events across the country held in commemoration of World Day of Remembrance.

The ride will retrace the route that mother and U.S. diplomat Sarah Debbink Langenkamp took in Bethesda the day she died riding her bike in 2022, continuing to the Lincoln Memorial where we will hold a rally to press for change on our roadways. Because we represent all of those on our roads, we will also hold a walk (register here) Freedom Plaza down the Mall. 

Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin, other members of Congress, and a range of elected and civil society leaders from across the country will be present. We hope you will be, too.

We aim to press the new administration and the new Congress to implement concrete measures to make sure everyone using our roads can be safe. Measures such as freeing up federal funds to build or redesign infrastructure that is safe for all, requiring technologies in vehicles that reduce deaths, and more.


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