Join Us for the Women on Bikes Spring Finale: the Tour de Bells!
This post is part of WABA’s Women on Bikes program, an ongoing campaign to create a community, share resources, and develop strategies for getting more women on bikes. To read about the project so far, click here to check out the WABA blog. To learn more and sign up to receive emails about this project, click here.
By Kiera Zitelman & Laura Jean Shane, WABA’s Women’s Bicycling Interns
WABA’s Women on Bikes campaign is pleased to present
the Tour de Bells, an inaugural ride open to all women and celebrating confident, fun and accessible bicycling for women of all levels of experience. The goal of this summer bike ride is to provide an easy and safe riding opportunity to women and to further encourage more women to simply go out and get on a bike! The Tour de Bells is a leisurely, slow paced ride where no woman will be left behind.
On June 2nd, Tour de Bells women will ride together for ten miles around the city stopping at various famous (and not-so-famous) bell towers. Bring along a friend to help them gain confidence and knowledge about riding in the city in a comfortable setting. You can ride your own bike or you can also rent a bike through
Bike and Roll’s Downtown location at the Old Post Office Pavilion. We’ll be starting and ending the ride at this location as well.
Click here to register for the Tour de Bells!
Tour de Bells
June 2nd. Rain or Shine
Meet-up begins at 9:30 AM to allow time to rent bikes.
Ride leaves promptly at 10:00 AM.
Start/End Location
Old Post Office Pavilion
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue
10 miles (approx.)
Please Note
All riders are required to wear helmets and sign a waiver (available on site) to participate.
Bring along a bike lock if you would like to go to the top of the Old Post Office bell tower (free).
Women on Bikes is dedicated to helping women ride bikes more often and more enjoyably, and so this ride is designed to be women only.
Click here to Register!
Click here to receive Women on Bikes emails!
Bike Rental Information
Rental bikes and helmets
are available from our friends at Bike and Roll. Please note that we do not guarantee the availability of bikes on the day of the event, and it is up to you to ensure that you reserve a bike.
Bike and Roll, Downtown @ The Old Post Office Pavilion
1100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
In the rear plaza, entrance off of 12th St. NW
Saturday Hours: 9am – 9pm
Laura Jean Shane is a spring 2012 Women’s Bicycle Outreach & Advocacy Intern. She came to WABA as a former sports medicine professional and current Masters of Public Health student at GWU. A devotee of RAGBRAI, she moved to DC last year and cannot imagine getting around any other way.
Kiera Zitelman is a spring 2012 Women’s Bicycle Outreach & Advocacy Intern. She has gotten around the DC area by bike for years since growing up in Silver Spring. As an environmental science and policy student at UMD, she uses her bike to navigate campus every day and ride the Anacostia Tributary trails near College Park on the weekends.
Page last updated by Nelle Pierson on May 25, 2012.