I am not angry at clueless Bikeshare riders
So, with that proof of the fallacy of the Examiner headline, let’s move on.
If you are clueless, we have classes available in DC, Arlington, and Bethesda to help with that. We’ve added classes and have many spots available. (If you aren’t sure if you’re clueless, ask an honest friend or fellow cyclist when you’re stopped at a red light. If the first time you stop at a red light is to ask that question, come on down and take the class.)
What if you aren’t clueless? What if you don’t buy into the hype of the “us” vs. “them” finger pointing and are simply a person making the transportation choice that suits your needs? Help us work on your behalf. That’s what we organize and work for here at WABA.
We don’t need to create “thems” and we don’t need to draw distinctions between bikeshare riders and other bicyclists. We need to work together as a broad community to make biking better in this region.
Perhaps one day the Examiner will publish the actual answer I gave when the reporter asked if I thought bikeshare riders were worse, then try to justify its headline. But I doubt it, so let’s stick with doing something productive.
There’s work to be done. If you want things to improve for biking in DC and the region, become a WABA member today. If you specifically want to see a cycletrack on M Street, SE/SW and kickstart the cycletrack effort in DC, print out a poster and join me tonight at the meeting.
Between now and that meeting I will be in Montgomery County pushing for a truly safe connection of the Capital Crescent Trail across Wisconsin Avenue, so I’ll leave any further responses to crazy media to someone else.
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