Help us triple the number of people riding bikes by 2020!
Remember the first time you tried out a protected bike lane? Your first ride on the Met Branch Trail? The first time you biked on green paint? How about when you started to see pockets of red bikes clustered in downtown corridors? In the last five years, our Nation’s Capital, our home – our communities have transformed for people who bike around town. Our biking boom is the result of your investment in WABA, your support in our shared vision, your volunteer hours, petitions, testimony, the friends and family you’ve inspired to bike, and simply the act of riding your bike.
Let’s keep this momentum going!
But there’s still so much work to be done, you see it everyday. So now is the time we ask you to stand up and support our new 5-year vision. You’re going to see a lot of changes in a relatively short time period that transform the region for every generation to come. Your support will help us triple the number of people who bike by 2020. Our strategic plan is ambitious and the outcomes are essential. With your help, in the next five years we’ll also accomplish:- A regional commitment to Vision Zero
- Scaled up youth bike camps
- Universal bike education beyond D.C.
- Better bike accessibility on public transportation
- More and more and more bike lanes, protected bike lanes, and trails
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