Kate’s Motto: “If it’s not fun, you’re doing it wrong!”
Last week, we here at WABA announced an ambitious plan to triple the number of people riding bikes throughout the region over the next five years. You’re a part of that! But we need your help.
At the end of this story we’ll ask you for a contribution, but before we get to that, we want to highlight one of our members and why she supports WABA:
I ride my bike because I love it. My Motto? “If it’s not fun, you’re doing it wrong!” Riding is my transportation to work and has been daily, year-round, for the past 6 years. When it’s not a great day for a ride, it always seems no matter how challenging or dismal the weather might be, that will be the day I see a stag wading in Rock Creek, or hear an owl as I pass a stand of trees, or notice a cool architectural detail on a downtown building for the first time. Many people question my choice to bike — why don’t I take the Metro instead? — When I know they are secretly thinking “like sane people your age should”? Then they will ask, “Are you really going to ride in the rain/snow/heat/dark? “ Well, yes, yes, & yes. It is what I do, why not? I tell them I have a secret superpower: I am waterproof. No matter how much rain, snow, or sweat I encounter, I always dry off again, as good as new! When I’m not riding, or working, I try to make a difference by advocating for improved bike infrastructure in the area. I’m a member on the Montgomery County Action Committee. I also encourage more people — more women, more youth, more men, everyone to join the fun; to ride a bike. I became a WABA Bike Ambassador so I could distribute free blinky lights to the bike ninjas out there; I have brightened the rides of dozens of stealth cyclists over the past few winters. People who bike come in all shapes, color, styles, sizes, and goals. I am not a racer, I do not have any fancy equipment. Cycling keeps me healthy, fills my desire to be green, and gives me a big endorphin boost every time I ride. I like to believe it keeps me young. So here is what you can do through WABA to make the Washington Area a truly great place to ride: give of your time or provide financial support. Lead a group ride, volunteer to hand out doughnuts at the Cider Ride, be a part of planning the New-in-2016 WABA Century! Renew your membership, increase your level of support. And then get out there and ride!WABA’s effective advocacy is funded by thousands of bicyclists like you with stories like Olive’s. Please contribute to WABA’s bold vision for safer streets in 2016.
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