
Bike Buying 101 with Robyn Short

Saturday, July 18, 2020, 12:00 PM

Wherever you are!


What kind of bike should I buy? Should I buy new or used? How does bike sizing work? Where should I purchase? How do I shop during this pandemic? I’m new to riding and there are so many options, WHERE DO I START???

If you have asked yourself any of these questions, this webinar is for you! Join WABA Instructor and Black Women Bike member, Robyn, as she discusses everything you’ve ever wanted to know about buying a bike. She’ll simplify your research process to narrow down your options and identify the benefits, perils, and hidden costs of each. She’ll also discuss how to adjust your bike shopping process during the pandemic.

This webinar is FREE to join. Invite friends and family members and be sure to bring plenty of questions!

Tune in on Zoom

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Meeting ID: 965 2864 4191      Password: bike