Speak up now for safe, low-stress biking on 37th & Tunlaw
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DC’s Ward 3, especially west of Wisconsin Ave, has a serious lack of safe and low-stress options for making trips by bike. But the District Department of Transportation has some big plans for a whole bike network, starting with a 1.7 mile corridor on New Mexico, Tunlaw, and 37th stretching from Nebraska Ave to Whitehaven Parkway in Burleith.
Last night, the neighborhood commission for 3D, which covers New Mexico Ave, voted 9-0 in support of protected bike lanes on New Mexico Ave! But just to the south, in ANC 3B, protected bike lanes — and any dedicated space for people who bike, really — are facing some fierce opposition over loss of car parking. Now is the time to speak up for a low stress and safe bicycling option on Tunlaw & 37th.
Commissioners in ANC 3B want to hear from people who live and work the area before they take a formal position. Please take minute to email anc3bmail@gmail.com to share your priorities before Friday, July 9.
To learn more about the corridor and DDOT’s proposals, see DDOT’s recent presentation to ANC 3B. Send your comments directly to anc3bmail@gmail.com by Friday, July 9. And if you can, attend the July 15 ANC meeting to see the latest from DDOT and speak up for a low stress and safe bicycling option for Tunlaw & 37th. Find the ANC Join link and agenda here.
Not sure what to say? Short and simple is best. Here’s some inspiration:
- Include your name and where you live. You can look up your ANC here.
- How would protected bike lanes on Tunlaw and 37th make your life easier, safer or better?
- What trips would you like to make by bike, but don’t because it doesn’t feel safe? Trips to school, work, groceries? What’s holding you back?
- Adding bike lanes alone can help reduce speeding and aggressive driving, but a street redesign is also an opportunity to add pedestrian crossings, improve visibility at intersections and traffic calming. What traffic safety issues do you see that should be addressed as part of this project?
- Safe, comfortable options for biking help reduce the demand for parking by creating additional options for getting around, while excluding those options creates a vicious circle of ever-expanding demand for car parking. What is your vision for the neighborhood? What transportation options should people have?
Don’t forget to email your thoughts to anc3bmail@gmail.com by Friday, July 9 and if you can, attend the ANC meeting. Please bcc advocacy@waba.org to help us track responses.