Take Action to make the Road Diet on Little Falls Parkway permanent
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The County Council voted 10-1 this week to stop the Parks Department from making a road diet permanent on Little Falls Parkway at the crossing of the Capital Crescent Trail.
Email the Council and tell them that they need to take a separate action to make an affirmative statement that the road diet at this trail crossing will be permanent.
On May 8, 2023, the County Council voted 10-1 to stop the County Parks Department from taking any action to improve the current road diet (removing the jersey barriers now in place, creating a pedestrian refuge in the middle of the crossing of the Parkway, etc..). The vote also mandated that Parks gain approval by the Council of any permanent road diet Parks might implement in the future. This vote runs counter to the County-wide Vision Zero plan. This vote delays making the road diet, which reduced the number of car lanes from two in each direction to one car lane in each direction a permanent one. This vote also opened the way for road diet opponents to push for returning the Parkway to a four lane road.
We must therefore urge the Council to take a separate action to state clearly that the road diet must remain in place permanently. The road diet has clearly made the crossing of Little Falls Parkway of the most heavily used trail in the County, the Capital Crescent Trail, a safe one for all people walking, biking, scooting and using other mobility devices. Today’s Council vote is a move in the wrong direction and we must push the Council to make clear that the road diet on Little Falls be made permanent.