Weigh in on the Georgetown Transportation Study
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Do you have big ideas for connecting Georgetown to DC’s bike network or making buses more reliable? Here’s a survey for you!
The District Department of Transportation and the Georgetown Business Improvement District kicked off a study of transportation access and safety in Georgetown, and they are looking for input in a survey and interactive map.
This is a major opportunity to help DDOT identify and set fixes in motion for the issues that you experience on Georgetown’s streets. Responses from this survey will inform which projects or policy changes happen next.
Not sure what to say? Here are some questions to get you going:
- Have you ridden a bike to or through Georgetown? What route did you take & why? Is there a more convenient, but less safe route that you’d prefer?
- Have you taken a bus to/through Georgetown? Was it fast, frequent and reliable? If not, why?
- Many off-street, biking & walking trails end in Georgetown. How should they be connected? On which streets?
- What modes should get space on M St NW? Wide sidewalks for pedestrians? Bus lanes for buses? Protected bike lanes for bikes? Or lanes for driving?
- Which parts of DDOT’s Bicycle Priority Network are most important to you? The dashed pink lines on this map are streets that could get new bike lanes. What other streets should get attention for bike improvements?
Take the Survey by September 30th. Then, drop some pins on the interactive map to describe your ideas in more detail.
Thanks for weighing in!