Trails, Trails, Trails!
We hear a lot about new and improved bike lanes, and for good reason: they’re an essential part of commuting easily and safely in our region. But I think most of us would agree: more options for staying separate from cars entirely is always a plus. Trails help cyclists travel much more efficiently, appreciate nature, and even give pedestrians and bus-riders less congested streets. Better trails mean not just cleaner biking, but a cleaner neighborhood and a cleaner planet – so when you ride on trails, you’re helping the wellbeing of our community. Can you further your support by giving WABA the tools we need to advocate for additional, safer, more connected trails?
WABA’s been working hard to expand and improve our trail systems. Earlier this year, we helped cut the ribbon on the brand new 66 Parallel Trail, a project almost 10 years in the making. DDOT is proceeding with construction of the Met Branch Trail extension, allowing you to visit historic neighborhoods, the National Mall, and seven Metro stations. That’s one of the great things about trails: they’re even more efficient when you can use them in combination with other transportation options, or even other trails!
That connectedness is a key focus of WABA’s work, like how we’re fighting to make the Greenbelt East Trail connect the WB&A and Anacostia River Trail systems. Of course, improvements are important even for recent successes: opening the 66 Parallel Trail is a huge feat, but we know you want and deserve improvements to make it healthier, quieter, and overall more separate from the interstate.
None of this work would be possible without the support from WABA members. You can be a member for any amount, and any one-time donation gets you membership for a year. Members get benefits like bike box rentals, free classes, discounted rides, and of course, support for better biking, including on trails. Can you start a WABA membership and make our trails longer, wider, and safer?