Newsletter: A good map

Happy Friday, {{$first_name}},

First, an admission: last week I said, somewhat smugly, “The mere suggestion of wintry mix deactivates the common sense regions of drivers’ brains and generates a strange compulsion to drive to the grocery store and buy three months worth of toilet paper.”  Well, almost exactly 24 hours later, I found myself in the parking lot of the Wegmans in Lanham, in the lashing rain, loading three month’s worth of toilet paper into the trunk of a borrowed Subaru. 

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ None of us are immune.


The thing I wanted to share with you this week was this extremely useful map the Trail Rangers put together of water bottle filling stations, fix-it stands, and public restrooms on the DC trails they serve. Save it as a bookmark on your phone for the next time you get a flat or have too much coffee before you go for a trail ride.  

Things to do this week:

A Fun Route Idea For the Weekend

Grab a wind-proof layer, channel your inner Herman Melville and stare moodily at a large body of water or two. Easiest way to do that is from a bridge, so here’s a mostly low-stress route from the Stadium Armory Metro to the Farragut West with nine river crossings.* 

Have  a great weekend. 


* As usual, this is a route I put together, and it hasn’t been tested or vetted by our events team.  Use good judgment, bring your phone, and carry a spare tube.