Tell Our Virginia State Senators the time is NOW for bike safety!

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ACT NOW to help push critical bicycling safety measures across the finish line! Our priority bike safety bills passed out of the House and will now be heard in the Senate Transportation committee as early as THIS THURSDAY! Will you join us in urging Senators to support these critical bicycling bills?

The Virginia Bicycling Federation, a coalition of bicycling advocates and organizations across the Commonwealth including the Washington Area Bicyclist Association and Bike Walk RVA, continues to support an ambitious bicycling safety agenda during this year’s legislative session that began January 10th. 

With affirmative votes in the House of Delegates last week, we are SO CLOSE this year to seeing Virginia join the growing ranks of states prioritizing safety for ALL roadway users by allowing people on bikes to proceed with the walk signal at intersections (HB 657), utilize the Safety Stop (HB 1077), and ride two-abreast (HB 1266) – the latter an absolutely critical measure for riding with young children. We need Virginians like you to reach out to your Senator TODAY!

You will be prompted to send a pre-drafted message but we encourage you to customize and share in your own words why these changes are so important to you. Send early, share widely!

This email action comes on the heels of an earlier House-focused alert and will once again be shared across the Commonwealth by VBF’s partner organizations. Legislative report backs can be found at as the session progresses.

*This action is hosted by the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) in partnership with the Virginia Bicycling Federation (VBF). Your contact information may be shared with VBF.