Let’s keep Beach Drive car-free on weekends in Montgomery County

If you love the open parkway on Beach Drive in Montgomery County, the agency needs to hear from you.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne on May 24, 2024.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne
on May 24, 2024.


MoCo Bicycling Advocates Meetup

Let’s hang out and talk about how to make biking in Montgomery County even better!

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Seth Grimes on May 21, 2024.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Seth Grimes
on May 21, 2024.



Call on the County Council to fund safer biking and walking

The council needs to hear your support for funding bike projects, the parks department, planning capacity, and an ebike voucher program.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne on May 7, 2024.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne
on May 7, 2024.


Basic Skills Clinic and Scooter Training

Basic Skills Clinics are the next step for those who recently took a Learn to Ride class or who have not been on a bike in some time.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo on April 23, 2024.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo
on April 23, 2024.



Adult Learn to Ride

Learn to ride a bike in about three hours!

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo on April 23, 2024.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo
on April 23, 2024.



Adult Learn to Ride

Learn to ride a bike in about three hours!

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo on April 23, 2024.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo
on April 23, 2024.



Basic Skills Clinic

Basic Skills Clinics are the next step for those who recently took a Learn to Ride class or who have not been on a bike in some time.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo on April 23, 2024.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo
on April 23, 2024.



WABA events & advocacy in Montgomery County: An April update

Happy Spring! It’s the best time of the year for cycling, don’t you agree? And for WABA advocacy in Maryland and in Montgomery County.

Blog Post: Last updated by Seth Grimes on April 15, 2024.

Blog Post: Last updated by Seth Grimes
on April 15, 2024.


MCDOT Meeting: MD 650/ New Hampshire Ave High Injury Network Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Discuss safety improvements recommended by the MD 650 / New Hampshire Avenue High Injury Network safety study.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on April 7, 2024.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on April 7, 2024.



MCDOT Meeting: Norwood Road Shared Use Path (in-person)

In-Person meeting on the Norwood Road Shared Use Path Project in Silver Spring.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on April 7, 2024.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on April 7, 2024.



Adult Learn to Ride and Scooter Training

Learn to ride a bike in about three hours!

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo on March 25, 2024.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo
on March 25, 2024.



Adult Learn to Ride

Learn to ride a bike in about three hours!

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo on March 25, 2024.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo
on March 25, 2024.



Basic Skills Clinic and Scooter Training

Basic Skills Clinics are the next step for those who recently took a Learn to Ride class or who have not been on a bike in some time.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo on March 25, 2024.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo
on March 25, 2024.



MCDOT Meeting: Auth Lane Pedestrian Bridge Project

Meeting on the details, cost and schedule of the bridge over a tributary between Auth Lane and Kersey Road.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on March 4, 2024.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on March 4, 2024.



NCPC Public Meeting: Little Falls Parkway Improvements

Learn about NCPC’s review of the Montgomery Parks proposal to reconfigure a 0.4-mile section of Little Falls Parkway.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on March 4, 2024.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on March 4, 2024.



Adult Learn to Ride

Learn to ride a bike in about three hours!

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo on March 11, 2024.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo
on March 11, 2024.



Submit Comments on Flower Avenue Bike Lanes Project

Provide input on the Flower Avenue Bikeway project.

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on May 21, 2024.

Action Alert, External Link

Comment by March 6th at 6pm

Action Alert, External Link

Comment by March 6th at 6pm,

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on May 21, 2024.


Submit Comments on Piney Branch Road Separated Bike Facilities

Provide input on the Piney Branch Road Bike Lanes project

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on May 21, 2024.

Action Alert, External Link

Submit comments by March 6th at 6pm.

Action Alert, External Link

Submit comments by March 6th at 6pm.,

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on May 21, 2024.


Share Comments on Cherry Hill Road Bikeway Project

Share comments on the Cherry Hill Road Bikeway project by March 26th.

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on May 21, 2024.

Action Alert, External Link

Submit comments by March 26th at 6pm.


Action Alert, External Link

Submit comments by March 26th at 6pm., Virtual

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on May 21, 2024.



MCDOT Virtual Meeting on Cherry Hill Road Bikeway Project

Public meeting for the Cherry Hill Road Bikeway project to present three project concepts, one of which will be advanced to 30% design.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on February 27, 2024.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on February 27, 2024.



Montgomery County Piney Branch Road and Flower Ave. Bike Lanes Meeting

MCDOT presents on Piney Branch Road Bike Lanes and the Flower Avenue Separated Bike Lanes Project.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on February 5, 2024.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on February 5, 2024.



What’s WABA up to in Montgomery County?

We’d like to recap Montgomery County activities over the past few months and highlight a few up-coming opportunities we’re pursuing.

Blog Post: Last updated by Seth Grimes on January 26, 2024.

Blog Post: Last updated by Seth Grimes
on January 26, 2024.


Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting

Virtual meeting of the MCDOT Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on January 8, 2024.

Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on January 8, 2024.



Share feedback on the Amherst Avenue Bikeway

Share comments with MCDOT on updated designs for the Amherst Ave Bikeway.

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade on January 8, 2024.

Action Alert, External Link

Submit comments by January 12, 2024


Action Alert, External Link

Submit comments by January 12, 2024, Virtual

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade on January 8, 2024.



Montgomery County’s state roads are dangerous. WABA wants them fixed.

Montgomery County’s state roads are unsafe. WABA’s Complete State Roads initiative will focus and accelerate work to fix them.

Blog Post: Last updated by Seth Grimes on December 21, 2023.

Blog Post: Last updated by Seth Grimes
on December 21, 2023.


Join the Ride for Your Life 2023 on November 19th

Join us on Nov 19 for the Ride for Your Life ’23 to commemorate World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

Blog Post, Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on November 9, 2023.

Blog Post, Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on November 9, 2023.



Montgomery Parks Capital Crescent Trail Listening Session 2.0

Join to discuss feedback about updates to the Capital Crescent Trail with Montgomery Parks

Action Alert, Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on November 8, 2023.

Action Alert, Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on November 8, 2023.



Let’s talk bicycling and safe streets for all in Montgomery County

If you know me, you know that I’m dedicated to making Montgomery County a great place to bike. That means new trails and protected bike lanes and safer streets for all. It means building community, organizing rides, engaging county and state officials, and organizing campaigns. Emphasize the community part. Working together is a must, and […]

Blog Post, Event: Last updated by Seth Grimes on October 20, 2023.

Blog Post, Event: Last updated by Seth Grimes
on October 20, 2023.


Adult Learn to Ride

Learn to ride a bike in about three hours!

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo on September 26, 2023.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo
on September 26, 2023.



Adult Learn to Ride

Learn to ride a bike in about three hours!

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo on September 26, 2023.

Event: Last updated by Sydney Sotelo
on September 26, 2023.

