WABA’s 2024 Ward 7 & 8 Council Questionnaires and Forum Recordings

DC’s Primary election ends on June 4th, 2024. If you haven’t already, now is the time to vote!

WABA is 501(c)(3) nonpartisan and non-political organization. The following information provided as a public service to educate voters about political candidates’ positions on transportation issues. WABA does not endorse any political candidates.

Because transportation is such a critical election topic in DC, WABA wants to inform our members about ward-level candidates’ positions on some of the most pressing issues.

WABA asked all the eligible candidates running for Ward 7 and 8 for the June 2024 primary to submit a questionnaire and participate in candidate forums on transportation issues in DC. Here are the submissions and recordings.

We sent a questionnaire to all primary race DC Council candidates from Wards 7 and 8—which addressed issues such as expanding our protected bike lane network in DC, funding to complete our trail network, open streets, transportation equity and vision zero.

We also held a virtual candidate forum for candidates in Ward 7 and 8 and invited all the candidates to participate. The forum was an opportunity for our members to listen to the candidates themselves and hear their positions on many questions that were submitted by WABA members. You can view those questionnaires and listen to a recording of the forums below.

Candidate Forum Recordings  

Ward 8 Candidate Questionnaires:

Ward 7 Candidate Questionnaires