Monday: Speak up against bad plans for Duke Street

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On Tuesday, May 14th, Alexandria staff presented an oral update to the City Council on the Duke St, West Taylor Run and Cambridge Rd project, a piece of the larger Duke Street in Motion project that seeks to reimagine transit along this vital corridor. 

The good news: the plans include a two-way bikeway between Cambridge Rd and West Taylor Run Pkwy. The bad news: a recommended design (Option #1) that will force people on bikes onto a shared roadway for two blocks between West Taylor Run Pkwy and Hilton St. Discussion here, beginning on page 26.

Fortunately, there is an Option #2 on the table: making the Duke St service road one-way to make room for a continued two-way protected bike facility, providing dedicated space for people on bikes and creating a buffer for those on the sidewalk. This is the only option consistent with the city’s Bike Master Plan and Vision Zero Plan; failure to safely accommodate bikes and pedestrians here and now will leave a pernicious gap in the Duke St corridor that may take decades to correct. 

We need you to speak up in favor of Option #2 on or before the next Traffic & Parking Board Meeting on Monday, May 20th. You can:

  • Show up at City Hall (301 King St) and sign up to speak before the meeting starts;
  • Register via Zoom and speak virtually; or
  • Send brief remarks supporting Option #2 (full length cycletrack) to Sheila McGraw at by 7PM on Sunday, May 19th (24 hours before the meeting). 

Sometimes key elements of large, slow-moving projects are decided in an instant like this. Let’s make sure Alexandria makes the right decision on Monday and delivers on its promise of safety and comfort for all residents regardless of travel move now and into the future. Questions or concerns, please feel free to email at