Fund Equitable Investment in Montgomery County Bikeways!

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WABA is putting a proposal in front of the County Council to invest in a more equitable bike network by prioritizing new bikeways in four areas of the County that are most in need of safer bikeable and walkable streets. Read the Proposal here! 

The proposal will construct bikeable/walkable networks in four of the County’s Equity Focus Areas, using the Council approved Bicycle Master Plan, and designate the tier one recommendations in that Master Plan. 

The proposal will further help the County achieve its goal of reducing the number of pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities in crashes to zero, and help the County meet its Climate Plan goals by reducing the number of car vehicle miles traveled. 

You can do your part to support this proposal by sending an email to all of the Council!

This past month, WABA sent out a detailed proposal to make a sizeable investment to create bikeable/walkable networks in four of the County’s Equity Focus Areas where residents have fewer safe transportation options and are less likely to have access to a car and more likely to be dependent on safe access to transit, biking and walking routes.  You can read the proposal here!