Our Women & Bicycles Program Is for Everyone
Many thanks to those of you who have donated to WABA’s Women & Bicycles program since we announced a $4,000 match grant on Wednesday. As of this morning, we’ve raised $1,450 to be matched.
We’ve told you why getting women on bikes matters, especially for, well, women. But there’s also the fact that once women start doing something, it’s normalized; getting more women on bikes means that cycling’s more accessible for everyone. You’ve heard the jargon-y “indicator species” thesis before. To illustrate the reasons why women biking can make a difference for everyone, we asked a few cycling-minded guys in the D.C. area to tell us why they think the Women & Bicycles program is important.
Brian McEntee, blogger extraordinaire, Tales From the Sharrows:
It’s important to get women on bikes because it’s important to get everyone on bikes. The bicycle is the most egalitarian and democratic form of transportation ever devised and for society to truly enjoy its benefits, bicycling should not be curtailed to one gender, nor limited by any other stricture or inhibition.Brent Bolin, councilmember, city of Mount Rainier:
The metro area needs to improve transportation infrastructure across the board to give a growing region more options. If we want these new spaces to be inclusive and welcoming to all modes of transportation, we likewise need a cycling community that is inclusive and welcoming of all users. That’s why WABA’s Women and Bicycles program is so important.Erik Kugler, owner, BicycleSpace (and rabblerouser, The Assembly):
D.C., as of 2011, ranks third in the U.S. in its percentage of women cyclists with 39 percent, only 1.1 percent under the national leader. It’s important to watch this statistic, because an increasing percentage indicates that the safety of bicycle infrastructure is improving, making bicycle transportation safer for all.Helping women feel more comfortable, confident, and inclined to get on their bikes will make biking in D.C. a better experience across the board. Cycling’s good for everyone, as is the Women & Bicycles program. Your money will fund smart, engaging, and accessible programming that will educate and support D.C.-area women who are hesitant about using their bikes for transportation. Donate today and your contribution will be matched. Getting your donation in by Dec. 31 is important, since that’s the last day that we can accept the matching funds that have been granted. Get to it!