How Do I Find Other People to Ride With?

While biking by yourself can be great, it’s always lots of fun with other people. There are so many ways to ride, and no one way is perfect for everyone. So the trick is to find someone who wants to ride the way you do. They’re absolutely out there!

First, try to determine what sort of bicycling experience you’re looking for. Do you want a leisurely ride, a workout, or something in between? Are you looking to try all the local pizza spots or see a new view of the area? Maybe you want to train for the 50 States Ride. It’s a great idea to try different sorts of rides to decide if they’re right for you.

When it comes to actually finding other people, there are a bunch of options. Here are a few to get you started:

  • WABA is full of events. If you attend one, you’ll get the chance to meet new people who also like bikes! 
  • Community-focused groups – There are a number of groups that ride focused around a particular interest or unifying theme. Many of these can be found on Meetup, Facebook, Eventbrite, and other event organizing sites. Some of these include:
    • WABA Women & Bicycles
    • Black Women Bike 
    • Getting It In Cyclists
  • Bicycle shops – Many shops lead regular rides. The kind of rides they organize will vary depending on the types of bicycling they specialize in. Shop rides can vary from coffee meetups to fast, 40-mile road riding and beyond. So if you don’t see the ride you want at your closest shop, try another shop! 
  • Bike Clubs – There are a number of established bike clubs in the region that host regularly scheduled rides. Many of these rides are focused on bicycling for fitness and group road riding. They are also called bicycling clubs or touring clubs.
  • Local event listings – Riding a bicycle is a very common thing to do and bike ride events are posted in non bike-specific event places.
  • Your Friends – Ask the people you already know! It can be easier to pitch other people on a plan if you have a general destination/plan. Maybe go to a park you haven’t been before? 

Joining an event without knowing anyone can feel intimidating and scary! Remember that you have a common interest with them (everyone wants to go on a bike ride!) and there are lots of different group options. Feel free to experiment and find options that work for you. A great group for you should make you feel included and supported.