Where do 2023 Gaithersburg Council Candidates Stand on Biking & Transportation?

The City of Gaithersburg will conduct an election this fall for three at-large city council members, who will serve four-year terms.

The city will use a hybrid process. Voters may request a ballot to mail in or deposit in a drop-box, or they may vote in-person, early on October 29 or on Election Day, Tuesday, November 7. Visit www.gaithersburgmd.gov/government/elections for Gaithersburg election information.

The Washington Area Bicyclist Association would like to help Gaithersburg voters make informed choices. We asked candidates to respond to a questionnaire developed with the assistance of Gaithersburg residents. We’re posting candidate responses below, verbatim and unedited, along with links to candidate Web sites.

We hope the questionnaire responses are useful in informing your voting.

Please note that the Washington Area Bicyclist Association is a 501(c)(3) organization; by law, our organization is strictly prohibited from endorsing, participating in, or intervening in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. This candidate questionnaire is strictly educational and has been shared with all candidates and the public.

Candidates Running in the 2023 Gaithersburg City Election

OfficeCandidate Name
(linked to Web site)
Questionnaire Responses/Status
CouncilNeil HarrisVIEW RESPONSES
CouncilYamil HernandezVIEW RESPONSES
CouncilDan LukomskyVIEW RESPONSES
CouncilShanika Whitehurst VIEW RESPONSES
CouncilOmodamola WilliamsVIEW RESPONSES

If you have questions or comments for WABA, please contact Seth Grimes, seth.grimes@waba.org.