Documentary Screening: The Street Project hosted by WABA
Monday, January 29, 2024, 5:30 PM
115 Atlantic St SW, Washington, DC 20032
In case you missed it….WABA is hosting another documentary screening of The Street Project!
The screening will take place at the Bellevue Library at 5:30 PM on January 29th. The Street Project documentary highlights the global, citizen-led fight to make our streets safer. Created by the multiple Emmy-winning team at Boyd Productions, The Street Project takes viewers across the globe in an uplifting narrative, from cycling-friendly meccas in Europe, to New York City and Phoenix, Arizona – one of the most dangerous cities in America for pedestrians – for a deep dive into how America views our streets and how they can be made safer. Four years in the making, The Street Project looks at how we got here, including the history of street use and how it has changed, what makes effective street design, how the automobile changed the way we use our streets, the misguided use of victim blaming, the impact of zoning laws on street transportation, and much more.