
Breakfast in Nest: Mother’s Day Birding Walk

Sunday, May 12, 2024, 9:00 AM

Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens


Ever heard the common refrain “the early bird gets the worm”? Well, the early birder gets to see that early bird. Come out this Mother’s Day for a wonderful morning walk with the Trail Rangers, the National Park Service, and Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens; and get the chance to see the peak of the annual Spring Bird Migration! 

This event is designed to be welcoming to new or amateur birders alike with binoculars and birding guides provided for the walk. There will be multiple people walking with us who are versed in bird identification as well as how to bird effectively. So come on out and enjoy a wonderful walk while we celebrate all Mothers, avian and human alike.

The section of trail we will be walking is uneven and potentially muddy in spots. As such, it is encouraged that you bring sturdy, close-toed shoes for this event. 

Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens does have a parking lot as well as bike racks to accommodate multiple modes of transport to the event. Bathrooms and a water fountain are available on site but we recommend bringing a reusable water bottle to bring with you.