Workshop: Planning to Win

Thoughtful strategy is key to a successful campaign. In this video, we look at strategies for winning campaigns—power-mapping; understanding the process and biases of people (and agencies); setting goals and measuring progress; and connecting the right tactics with the right people at the right time.

Resource: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on October 20, 2021.

Resource: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on October 20, 2021.


Workshop: Talking About Safe Streets

In this session, we’ll tackle one of the most fundamental parts of winning campaigns: how to talk about what you want.

Resource: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on October 19, 2021.

Resource: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on October 19, 2021.


Workshop: Geometry of Street Transformations

Dive into the geometry and limits of transforming streets, plus get to know a tool for mocking up street changes.

Resource: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on October 19, 2021.

Resource: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on October 19, 2021.


Workshop: Getting Safe Streets that Work for Everyone

Proven strategies for getting attention and action from DC agencies on sidewalk fixes, intersection improvements, traffic calming, and more.

Resource: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on August 27, 2021.

Resource: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on August 27, 2021.


How do I get a bike rack?

Here’s a quick breakdown on how to get new bike parking installed.

Resource: Last updated by Jordan Mittleman on July 5, 2023.

Resource: Last updated by Jordan Mittleman
on July 5, 2023.


Close the North Carolina Ave. Bike Network Gap

North Carolina Ave needs a continuous, low-stress, all ages and abilities bike connection from Lincoln Park to C St, the Fields at RFK, and the Anacostia River Trail to fill out the Capitol Hill network.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on April 14, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on April 14, 2022.


Rock Creek Park—Seven Days a Week!

The People’s Alliance for Rock Creek Park supports keeping upper Beach Drive closed to car traffic permanently.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on November 4, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on November 4, 2022.


Safe Biking & Walking on Lincoln Road NE Now!

Join us in urging DDOT to take this next step in connecting the bike lanes of Northeast DC, and taking the next step towards a safe commuting future for the District.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on December 7, 2021.

Action Alert

Spring 2021

Action Alert

Spring 2021,

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on December 7, 2021.