Highlights from Maryland’s 2022 Legislative Session  

The 2022 session was marked by the passage of a few bills that made substantive progress to make alternatives to cars more available to all of us. 

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on May 13, 2022.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on May 13, 2022.


Grove Street Neighborhood Greenway – Survey

Share your feedback on the Grove Street traffic calming plan so far with MCDOT in this survey.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 6, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 6, 2022.


Updates on the University Blvd Protected Bike Lane

Despite all collected data showing the pilot protected bike lanes were a huge success on University Boulevard, MDOT SHA announced that they will not be coming back.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on December 8, 2022.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on December 8, 2022.


Thank the Montgomery County Council for Supporting the Equitable Investment Bike Network Proposal!

Please thank the Council for supporting  WABA’s Equitable Investment Equitable Investment in Montgomery’s Bike Network Proposal and ask for their help keeping the $10.7m in the final Budget.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 6, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 6, 2022.


Southern Avenue Metro Station Access Survey

How could the Southern Avenue Metro Station be more accessible by foot or bike?

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 10, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 10, 2022.


Share Your Vision For Greenbelt Road (MD-193)

What is your vision for transforming Greenbelt Road (MD-193) near Rhode Island Ave? Drop your ideas in the interactive map by March 31.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on April 12, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on April 12, 2022.


Fund Equitable Investment in Montgomery County Bikeways!

You can do your part to support this proposal by sending an email to all of the Council!

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on May 11, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on May 11, 2022.


Winter 2022 Advocacy Roundup

It’s been a cold month so far, but our advocates continue to heat things up! Getting new protected bike lanes approved and gearing up for this year’s election cycle, things have been busy. We’ve got a lot planned to keep you in the loop, so read on to learn about some of the developments and victories that closed out last year and opened this one. 

Blog Post: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade on January 24, 2022.

Blog Post: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade
on January 24, 2022.


WABA Proposal for Equitable Bike Investments in Montgomery County

Learn all about WABA’s groundbreaking proposal to build bikeable/walkable networks in Wheaton, White Oak, Langley Park and downtown Silver Spring.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Seth Grimes on December 20, 2023.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Seth Grimes
on December 20, 2023.



Montgomery County Candidate Forum: County Executive (Transportation)

Montgomery County Executive Transportation Forum on Transportation Issues

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on February 15, 2022.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on February 15, 2022.



Advocacy Wins Across the Region!

2021 set a powerful precedent of what we can win with your support and the resources we need. Here’s some of what we accomplished together this year, across the region.

Blog Post: Last updated by Anna McCormally on December 30, 2021.

Blog Post: Last updated by Anna McCormally
on December 30, 2021.


Support a better bike connection across the Potomac

The new American Legion Bridge Trail needs to connect to the C&O Towpath.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on March 2, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on March 2, 2022.


Tell Maryland SHA to make the bike lanes on University Boulevard permanent!

now that the pilot period is over, SHA intends to remove the project on November 14, 2021. We need to act now to insist that SHA keep the protected bike lanes in place permanently!

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on January 24, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on January 24, 2022.


MD 210 Pedestrian/Bicycle Study Virtual Meeting

MD SHA is wants your input on bike/ped improvements to Indian Head Highway south of I-495 in Prince George’s County.

Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on November 2, 2021.

Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on November 2, 2021.



Tell SHA to Keep The Protected Bike Lanes on MD-193/University Blvd

Tell the Maryland State Highway Administration not to remove this protected bike lane.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on January 24, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on January 24, 2022.


Support a Safer, More Sustainable Montgomery County

Ask the Montgomery County Council to support the Transportation elements of the Thrive Montgomery 2050 Plan

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 24, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 24, 2022.


Maryland 2021 Legislative Session Summary

A summary of the transportation bills in Maryland’s legislative session.

Some wins, some work left to do!

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on July 15, 2021.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on July 15, 2021.


Meet the Mid-Atlantic’s first protected intersection

Today I get to use words like “gold standard” and “visionary,” which, to be honest, doesn’t happen all that often.

Blog Post: Last updated by Carm Saimbre on January 8, 2020.

Blog Post: Last updated by Carm Saimbre
on January 8, 2020.


The Cider Ride

Rediscover our region as it’s been transformed by autumn!

Event: Last updated by Jordan Mittleman on August 28, 2024.

Event: Last updated by Jordan Mittleman
on August 28, 2024.


Ride - WABA Signature Event

Victory! Metro to allow bikes on trains

After decades of work, Metro has changed its bike policy.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 10, 2022.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 10, 2022.


Summer Advocacy Roundup

  Low-Stress Bike Network Prince George’s County Trails Master Plan Brief Explanation: The county’s Trails Master Plan (still in draft form), identifies how Prince George’s County intends to build and manage nearly 400 miles of new trails. The plan takes the mileage of primary trails (trails that are mostly paved, with high-quality design features, a park-like experience, and […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on August 25, 2016.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on August 25, 2016.


Women & Bicycles Tip: Approaching Kidical Mass

This entry is part of our Women & Bicycles blog series. Women & Bicycles is WABA’s outreach and encouragement initiative to build a stronger women’s bike community and get more women on bikes. These posts certainly aren’t exclusive to women, but they’re produced with and through the Women & Bicycles’ programming and staffing. Click here to learn more and […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson on June 25, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson
on June 25, 2014.


Bike Theft is on the Rise. Take 10 Minutes and Do This Now.

Last week, we gave you a brief overview of what to do in the event that your bike is stolen. In that post, we mentioned WABA’s bicycle owner record sheet, which we’d like to discuss in a bit more detail today. When a bike is stolen, the first thing you should do is to call […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on July 21, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on July 21, 2014.


Ride for Mother’s Day And Women’s Cycling Day

    Ride with us in celebration of Mothers of the world and women who bike throughout the world. This Sunday our Women & Bicycles program is joining  BikeArlington and Black Women Bike DC to commemorate Mother’s Day and CycloFemme, the global celebration of women bicycling. The Mother’s Day Picnic Ride begins in three locations […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson on May 11, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson
on May 11, 2013.


Successes for Cycling in the 2013 Maryland General Assembly

In the 2013 Maryland General Assembly, our efforts to promote and defend the interests of bicyclists were reasonably successful this year—especially compared to how things might have turned out.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 10, 2022.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 10, 2022.


Women & Bicycles Bulletin #1

It feels like we’ve been talking about our Women & Bicycles program forever. We’re preparing to finally, finally launch it officially in March—and we’ve got a lot to do before then. We sent out the first Women & Bicycles Bulletin to those who signed up for our email list today, and we’re reposting the information […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 6, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 6, 2013.


Women & Bicycles Bulletin #1

It feels like we’ve been talking about our Women & Bicycles program forever. We’re preparing to finally, finally launch it officially in March—and we’ve got a lot to do before then. We sent out the first Women & Bicycles Bulletin to those who signed up for our email list today, and we’re reposting the information […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 6, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 6, 2013.


Why We Don’t Support Mandatory Helmet Laws

Last night, we asked you to take action to oppose a mandatory helmet law introduced in the Maryland House of Delegates’ Committee on Environmental Matters. In response, some of you asked for additional information on the “debatable” effects on bicyclists’ safety and the negative impacts on cycling that a mandatory helmet law would have. We […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 10, 2022.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 10, 2022.


I am not angry at clueless Bikeshare riders

So, with that proof of the fallacy of the Examiner headline, let’s move on. If you are clueless, we have classes available in DC, Arlington, and Bethesda to help with that.  We’ve added classes and have many spots available.  (If you aren’t sure if you’re clueless, ask an honest friend or fellow cyclist when you’re […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on September 13, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on September 13, 2012.


Take Action to Save Biking, Walking Funds–Including Safe Routes to School Funding

Since 2006 the Washington Area Bicyclist Association has educated over 26,000 children in the District of Columbia in safe bicycling and pedestrian habits.  In the Washington DC region, we are nearing our 100,000th student reached via our mobile bike rodeo trailers, in-service training sessions for teachers, hands on bike lessons, in class pedestrian and bicycle […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on July 11, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on July 11, 2011.