We Need the Arboretum Bridge & Trail!

Let the project team know why you support the Arboretum Bridge and Trail!

Action Alert: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on January 8, 2024.

Action Alert: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on January 8, 2024.


Fill the K St NE Bike Lane Gap

Speak up to support filling the K St NE bike lane gap between 6th and 8th St NE by August 31!

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on September 6, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on September 6, 2023.


Petition – Bikes Belong in Ward 8

Sign the Ward 8 Bike Alliance and WABA petition to urge Ward 8 and DC leaders to make Ward 8 a safer place for people who bike.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on August 23, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on August 23, 2023.


Comment on changes to the Brookland-CUA Metro Station

Share feedback about proposed changes to the Brookland-CUA Metro Station

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on August 16, 2023.

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on August 16, 2023.



Arlington Boulevard Safety Improvements Public Information Meeting

Hear the latest developments for improving bike/ped access on Arlington Boulevard (Route 50) east of Glebe Road.

Action Alert, Event, External Link: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien on August 25, 2023.

Action Alert, Event, External Link: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien
on August 25, 2023.


Call for a Visionary New York Avenue Streetscape & Trail!

Call on DDOT to make sure new trails along New York Ave NE include connections to neighborhoods and existing and future bike and pedestrian infrastructure.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on September 6, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on September 6, 2023.


Share Your Feedback on VDOT’s Arlington Blvd-Washington Blvd Study

Share feedback as Arlington looks to improve conditions on and around the Arlington Blvd-Washington Blvd interchange.

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien on August 25, 2023.

Action Alert, External Link

Survey closes 8/15


Action Alert, External Link

Survey closes 8/15, Virtual

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien on August 25, 2023.


Support the Arboretum Bridge and Trail Project

Show your support for the Arboretum Bridge & Trail by sharing comments with stacee@tbaconnects.com by August 27!

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on August 23, 2023.

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on August 23, 2023.


Activist Briefing on Prince George’s County’s Walkable Urban Streets Act

Learn about the Walkable Urban Streets Act through an activists’ briefing with County Council Member Eric Olson.

Action Alert, Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on August 4, 2023.

Action Alert, Event, External Link: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on August 4, 2023.



Support protected bike lanes on 14th St NW

DDOT has a plan to speed up buses and add protected bike lanes to 14th St north of Newton St. Take the survey by 8/20.

Action Alert: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien on December 26, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien
on December 26, 2023.


Where should a new Metro tunnel go?

WMATA wants your help choosing between bold plans for another metro tunnel crossing the region. Take the survey by 9/30.

Action Alert: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on January 8, 2024.

Action Alert: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on January 8, 2024.


Ice Cream (Again) for Q / R Bikeways

Join a family friendly ride to Ice cream and call attention to the need for protected bike lanes on Q and R Streets NW.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on August 3, 2023.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on August 3, 2023.



Support Safe Accommodations on US29/Colesville Rd.!

The County and State must begin planning for safe walking and biking at the same time as the BRT dedicated lane scheme is also designed over the next year or so.

Action Alert: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade on August 1, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade
on August 1, 2023.


Put People First in the DC Downtown Public Realm Plan

Share your vision for more vibrant, inviting public spaces in downtown DC with the Office of Planning.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on September 6, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on September 6, 2023.


Call on USDOT to Update Vehicle Safety Ratings for Pedestrians

Share comments on a proposal to update NHTSA’s New Car Assessment Program to provide consumers with info about the safety of people inside AND outside the vehicle.

Action Alert: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on July 24, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on July 24, 2023.



Support continuous shared-use paths on BOTH sides of Braddock!

Good designs can be quickly diluted by public opposition and budget concerns, so we need to reiterate to VDOT the importance of putting people first!

Action Alert: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade on July 18, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade
on July 18, 2023.


Share your feedback on the Bladensburg Rd NE Study

DDOT has a plan for making Bladensburg Rd NE more welcoming to people not driving cars and wants your feedback.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on July 26, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on July 26, 2023.


Support Parking Reimagined in Fairfax

Support rethinking car (and bike!) parking requirements in Fairfax, via email or the 9/13 Planning Commission hearing.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien on September 25, 2023.

Action Alert, Event

Comment by or attend 9/13

Virtual or Fairfax County Government Center Board Auditorium

Action Alert, Event

Comment by or attend 9/13, Virtual or Fairfax County Government Center Board Auditorium

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien on September 25, 2023.


Join the Braddock Road Multimodal Improvements Public Meeting

Share your thoughts on the bike & pedestrian improvements VDOT is proposing for Braddock Road.

Action Alert, Event, External Link: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien on July 7, 2023.

Action Alert, Event, External Link: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien
on July 7, 2023.



Ice Cream Ride for Q/R Bikeways

Join a FUN ride from Dupont Circle to Union Market to call attention to the need for Q/R protected bike lanes.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on July 7, 2023.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on July 7, 2023.



Comment on the Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan

Learn more and share your comments on Arlington’s draft area plan for Langston Boulevard.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien on August 9, 2023.

Action Alert, Event

Survey closes 7/30


Action Alert, Event

Survey closes 7/30, Virtual

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien on August 9, 2023.


Input Wanted on Georgetown Transportation Access & Circulation Study

DDOT wants your input on improving access to Georgetown by bike, bus, and foot. Add your ideas to the interactive map.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on September 6, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on September 6, 2023.


Support the Mount Olivet Rd NE Road Diet & Protected Bike Lanes

Use the form below to send a short note in support before the comment period closes on July 15. Be sure to add your personal touch

Action Alert, Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on July 25, 2023.

Action Alert, Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on July 25, 2023.


Comment on Visualize 2050 Proposed Projects

Use Coalition for Smarter Growth’s recommendations to comment on our region’s master transportation project list.

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on September 6, 2023.

Action Alert, External Link

Closes 6/30


Action Alert, External Link

Closes 6/30, Virtual

Action Alert, External Link: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on September 6, 2023.


DC Queer Bikes X Hill Family Biking: Pride Ride

Join Hill Family Biking & DC Queer Bikes for the 2023 Family Pride Ride. All riders are welcome!

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on June 21, 2023.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on June 21, 2023.



North Capitol Street Corridor Feasibility Study Public Meeting – Virtual

Help shape a new vision for a more people and community-oriented North Capitol St corridor.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on June 21, 2023.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on June 21, 2023.



Reimagining Duke Street for ALL Alexandrians

we at the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, in collaboration with the Alexandria Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee, need folks like YOU to share your enthusiastic support with Councilmembers today!

Action Alert: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien on July 20, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Kevin O'Brien
on July 20, 2023.


Support Side Underrun Guards in Truck Safety Standards

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has new rules for truck safety, but they do not go far enough.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on July 26, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on July 26, 2023.


North Capitol Street Corridor Feasibility Study Public Meeting – In Person

Help shape a new vision for a more people and community-oriented North Capitol St corridor..

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos on June 21, 2023.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Kalli Krumpos
on June 21, 2023.



New York Ave NE Streetscape & Trail Update

DDOT is dusting off plans for the New York Ave NE Trail, connecting the Met Branch Trail to the Arboretum. Weigh in!

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 12, 2023.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 12, 2023.

