Deanwood Mobile Bike Shop

As our Mobile bike shop came to a close this Sunday, many who attended stayed behind to help The Bike House pack up their tools and supplies, and continue conversations about bicycling in their neighborhoods. A total of 20 bicycles were brought back to life throughout the day.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson on July 5, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson
on July 5, 2011.


Security Planning, Like Construction Planning, Must Consider Bicyclists

From Greater Greater Washington: Event planners need to be mindful of common bikeway access points when setting up street closures. It is not appropriate to use a one-size-fits-all security approach anymore where people are treated as cars or non-cars. Fine, close off the Mall. Set up a perimeter. But take into consideration those of us […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on July 5, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on July 5, 2011.


Learn How to Respond After a Bike Crash; For Yourself or to Help Another Cyclist

On her blog, WTOP’s Kate Ryan has a quick take on the cyclist as crime-fighter, inspired by a story in which the presence of a cyclist scared away a rapist in Montgomery Village.  She also references a case earlier this year in which a cyclist provided critical evidence in a hit-and-run in Dupont Circle. These […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on June 29, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on June 29, 2011.


Where Did You learn to Ride That Way?

Recently you started noticing some of your co-workers arriving in the morning with bicycle helmets, bike racks seemed to be magically appearing in front of all the restaurants and stores you frequent, and you started asking yourself “what’s up with all those red bikes?” So one day you decided to start riding a bike again. […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on June 30, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on June 30, 2011.


Washington Informer: Residents East of the River Turn to Bikes

Bike ridership is growing in DC’s Wards 7 & 8 and the Washington Informer has caught on to the story.  In their article “Residents East of the River Turn to Bikes”, the Informer outlines our East of the River campaign.  Writer Elton Hayes was on hand for our Mobile Bike Shop on June 19th at Skyland […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson on June 30, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson
on June 30, 2011.


Congress Heights Mobile Bike Shop 6/26

Congress Heights residents of all ages and all cycling experience  joined us at our mobile bike shop this past Sunday. A total of 40 bikes were repaired and an impromptu fix-a-flat class was taught to a group of children by a gentleman who came to get work done on his own bike! In addition to […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Greg Billing on June 28, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Greg Billing
on June 28, 2011.


Orbital Sciences Corp. Wins Bike to Work Day Employer Challenge

Yesterday, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association and the Council of Governments’ Commuter Connections honored Orbital Sciences Corp in Sterling, VA in the Employer Challenge for Bike to Work Day.  Facilities Director Patricia Najera accepted the award on behalf of Ortibal who had 107 employees participate on May 20th’s Bike to Work Day.  The top five […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on June 24, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on June 24, 2011.


“Black Women Bike” Happy Hour Tonight

Black Women Bike Happy Hour Friday, June 17 · 5:00pm – 7:00pm The Liaison Capitol Hill And Art & Soul Restaurant 415 New Jersey Ave NW Because in some circles the false perception persists that only young white hipsters appreciate the District’s multimodal transportation options and the joys of cycling, a few women pedalers […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on June 21, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on June 21, 2011.


Teaching New Cyclists & Fixing Bikes at Anacostia Library: East of the Anacostia Program Update

Last Saturday, WABA held a Learn to Ride class for adults and a Mobile Bike Shop at Anacostia Public Library.  After weeks of community-based outreach from our Bike Ambassadors and dedicated neighbors, the turnout was excellent.  You can read more about the Learn to Ride class HERE, as covered by DCentric.  Photos from the class […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on July 7, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on July 7, 2011.


That’s safe cycling, not arrogance, says MDOT

Every year along about this time, a driver in Montgomery County has to wait behind cyclists traveling more slowly than the driver would prefer to drive, on a road with a nearby trail. And then the driver prepares a radio commentary or circulates a letter asking why those cyclists are on the road instead of […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on April 28, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on April 28, 2011.


2011 East of the Anacostia Program Update

Approximately one month ago, we announced an ambitious plan to improve cycling and empower cyclists in parts of DC east of the Anacostia River. Thanks to the generous contributions of many, we now know that we will be able to begin the program–but we have not yet reached our full goal. Nonetheless, we plan to […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on July 7, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on July 7, 2011.


WABA Launches Crash Tracking Tool

Last month we attended the DC Council oversight hearing on pedestrian and bicycle enforcement, and needless to say, we learned a lot. But what stood out for us was that there was so much more that we needed to know–about how and where bike crashes happened in the region and more detailed information about the […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on July 8, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on July 8, 2011.


Health Impact Assessment Process Begins for Alabama Ave. Bike Lane in Ward 8

View Alabama Ave HIA in a larger map Tomorrow, Gina Arlotto (our Safe Routes to School Network Organizer) will be conducting a site visit with Dr. Keshia Pollock, Ph.D from Johns Hopkins University Department of Health Policy and Management to begin work on a Health Impact Assessment for a potential bike lane on a 2 […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on July 7, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on July 7, 2011.


Come Celebrate the 15th St. Cycle Track on Friday

On Monday, at the DDOT Oversight Hearing, DC City Councilmember Jack Evans asked how we fix the 15th Street Cycle Track. Now, we’ve ridden the cycle track a lot, and while it is not perfect, it is still a great addition to the bike network of DC. So, rather than get political about it–with action […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Greg Billing on March 3, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Greg Billing
on March 3, 2011.


Providing Expanded Bicycle Outreach East of the Anacostia

As the spring riding season approaches, WABA is working to expand its offerings in underserved communities within our region–starting with DC’s Wards 7 and 8.  With major changes coming to the ward, from the South Capitol Street Trail and bridge to St. Elizabeth’s to Poplar Point and countless smaller projects, the developments that will change […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on July 7, 2011.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on July 7, 2011.


Winter Riding Part II: What to Wear

The story continues from Winter Riding Part I: How to Ride Hello, and welcome back. We hope you all enjoyed yesterday’s article about what to watch out for out there on winter roads. Today, we want to talk about what to do before you even get on the bike. Winter riding is all about preparation, and […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on August 15, 2024.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on August 15, 2024.


Winter Riding Part I: How to Ride

We all knew this season was coming. It seems like only yesterday we were riding around in shorts and cranking up the AC, but here we are in December already, and that means cold-weather bicycling is on everyone’s minds. Right about now, some of you are probably thinking, “Why on earth would I want to […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Daniel Hoagland on December 9, 2010.

Blog Post: Last updated by Daniel Hoagland
on December 9, 2010.


Supporting Bike Parking Legislation

Tomorrow at 2pm, the DC Council’s Committee on Public Works and Transportation is holding a hearing on the “Bicycle Commuter and Parking Expansion Amendment Act of 2010.”   This is an amendment to the 2007 law (conveniently titled the “Bicycle Commuter and Parking Expansion Act of 2007),” which adopted certain design standards for bike parking […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Daniel Hoagland on December 1, 2010.

Blog Post: Last updated by Daniel Hoagland
on December 1, 2010.