Fund Equitable Investment in Montgomery County Bikeways!

You can do your part to support this proposal by sending an email to all of the Council!

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on May 11, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on May 11, 2022.


Take Action for VA General Assembly Priorities

The 2022 VA General Assembly session is heating up and headed towards the final stretch, and there have been a number of bills that are making their way towards the finish line!

Action Alert: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade on January 28, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade
on January 28, 2022.


WABA Proposal for Equitable Bike Investments in Montgomery County

Learn all about WABA’s groundbreaking proposal to build bikeable/walkable networks in Wheaton, White Oak, Langley Park and downtown Silver Spring.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Seth Grimes on December 20, 2023.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Seth Grimes
on December 20, 2023.



Transportation Equity Pledge for 2022 Candidates

Encourage candidates for office to sign this pledge.

Action Alert, Blog Post: Last updated by Jeremiah Lowery on July 25, 2023.

Action Alert, Blog Post: Last updated by Jeremiah Lowery
on July 25, 2023.


Innovation Station North Neighborhood Access Project

Learn about plans for a new 1/3 mile multi-use trail to improve access to the new Innovation Station on the Silver Line

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on March 2, 2022.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on March 2, 2022.



Montgomery County Candidate Forum: County Executive (Transportation)

Montgomery County Executive Transportation Forum on Transportation Issues

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on February 15, 2022.

Action Alert, Event: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on February 15, 2022.



Metropolitan Branch Trail: Blair Road to Piney Branch Road Design Survey

DDOT has begun detailed planning for the Metropolitan Branch Trail from Blair Rd to Piney Branch Rd and wants YOUR feedback on the design. The online survey closes January 7th.

Action Alert, Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on February 25, 2022.

Action Alert, Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on February 25, 2022.


Thank Mayor Bowser for Putting People First on Connecticut Ave

DC Mayor Bowser announced that 3+ miles of Connecticut Ave NW will be redesigned with new protected bike lanes, traffic calming, and no more dangerous reversible lanes. Join us in thanking the mayor!

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on September 7, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on September 7, 2022.


Support Ticket Reciprocity in the Region!

We need Mayor Bowser, Governor Hogan, and Governor Northam to enter into an reciprocal agreement that will help regional governments in their efforts to crack down on out-of-state drivers

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne on December 15, 2021.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne
on December 15, 2021.


Weigh in on Crystal City to DCA Connection

Arlington wants your feedback on ways to connect Crystal City to National Airport via a new tunnel or bridge. Is there a path or route that they missed? Share your thoughts on the survey by Jan 9.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on March 2, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on March 2, 2022.


Safe Walking & Biking Access to the East Falls Church Metro

Give input on Arlington’s plan to improve Sycamore St. for better walking and biking access to East Falls Church Metro by Dec 12.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on January 24, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on January 24, 2022.


Demand Action on Connecticut Ave!

Connecticut Ave in Ward 3 should be a safe, low-stress place to walk, bike, live and shop. Instead, it’s a dangerous traffic sewer. DDOT has been sitting on a plan since July. Take action to get things moving!

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on December 29, 2021.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on December 29, 2021.


Support Traffic Calming on New Jersey Ave NW

New Jersey Avenue between N Street and Florida Avenue NW is a dangerous and a glaring gap in the low stress network. Sign this petition to support DDOT’s plan to fix it.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on September 15, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on September 15, 2022.


Support a better bike connection across the Potomac

The new American Legion Bridge Trail needs to connect to the C&O Towpath.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on March 2, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on March 2, 2022.


Tell Maryland SHA to make the bike lanes on University Boulevard permanent!

now that the pilot period is over, SHA intends to remove the project on November 14, 2021. We need to act now to insist that SHA keep the protected bike lanes in place permanently!

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on January 24, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on January 24, 2022.


DDOT Must Commit to Connecticut Ave Protected Bike Lanes

DDOT is long overdue for a decision on the future design of Connecticut Ave NW in Ward 3. Acting DDOT Director Lott must committee to this project before he is confirmed.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne on November 1, 2021.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne
on November 1, 2021.


Tell SHA to Keep The Protected Bike Lanes on MD-193/University Blvd

Tell the Maryland State Highway Administration not to remove this protected bike lane.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on January 24, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on January 24, 2022.


Support a Safer, More Sustainable Montgomery County

Ask the Montgomery County Council to support the Transportation elements of the Thrive Montgomery 2050 Plan

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 24, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 24, 2022.


Get Action Updates from Sustainable Mobility for Arlington

A weekly newsletter with actions to support biking, walking and transit in Arlington County.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne on November 1, 2021.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne
on November 1, 2021.


Remove Police from Traffic Enforcement

The best way to ensure walkers, bicyclists, and bus riders have safe commutes is to fund safe infrastructure to change driver behavior, and to educate drivers on safety rules and regulations. We can start to move the pace towards investing in safe infrastructure by moving away from the dated status quo of relying on armed […]

Action Alert: Last updated by Jeremiah Lowery on February 27, 2023.

Action Alert: Last updated by Jeremiah Lowery
on February 27, 2023.


Close the North Carolina Ave. Bike Network Gap

North Carolina Ave needs a continuous, low-stress, all ages and abilities bike connection from Lincoln Park to C St, the Fields at RFK, and the Anacostia River Trail to fill out the Capitol Hill network.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on April 14, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on April 14, 2022.


Speak up now for safe, low-stress biking on 37th & Tunlaw

DDOT has a plan to create a low-stress bike corridor on 37th, Tunlaw and New Mexico & ANC 3B wants to hear from you.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on November 30, 2021.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on November 30, 2021.


The Vision Zero Fund

Take action to demand a future where we fully fund and implement legislation that will move us towards vision zero!

Action Alert: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade on July 6, 2021.

Action Alert: Last updated by Jonathan Kincade
on July 6, 2021.


Speak up for Active Transportation Infrastructure in Arlington County!

Have you ever wished that Arlington County had better bike and pedestrian infrastructure? Do you ever wish that the trails were better connected? We do too! The good news is that you can speak up for bike/ped projects at the upcoming Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Budget Hearing on Tuesday, June 29th […]

Action Alert, Blog Post: Last updated by Stephanie Piperno on June 23, 2021.

Action Alert, Blog Post: Last updated by Stephanie Piperno
on June 23, 2021.


Join the People Before Cars Coalition

Championing the implementation of best practices in people-centric urban design and planning.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne on October 29, 2021.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne
on October 29, 2021.


Ask your elected officials to support the Capital Trails Network!

We’ve got about 400 miles to go to complete the Capital Trails Network. Let’s get building!

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 24, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 24, 2022.


Protected Bike Lanes for Connecticut Ave – The Clear Choice

Let’s put the debate to rest. Connecticut Ave needs fewer lanes and protected bike lanes. Take Action!

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on April 29, 2021.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on April 29, 2021.


Our streets are not safe enough.

And the District is not doing enough to make them safer.

Join us in demanding immediate action.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne on April 8, 2021.

Action Alert: Last updated by Colin Browne
on April 8, 2021.


Rock Creek Park—Seven Days a Week!

The People’s Alliance for Rock Creek Park supports keeping upper Beach Drive closed to car traffic permanently.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on November 4, 2022.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on November 4, 2022.


Restore Funding for the Capital Crescent Trail Tunnel

Last year, the Montgomery County Council voted unanimously to fund construction of a new trail tunnel to carry the Capital Crescent Trail under Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda starting in late 2024. But this Spring, County Executive Elrich removed the tunnel from his budget, delaying funding to 2026 or later. Email your council member and urge them to restore funding for the trail tunnel.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on March 25, 2021.

Action Alert: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on March 25, 2021.