Meet the Women & Bicycles Program’s Roll Models

After officially launching our Women & Bicycles Program, we’re ready to unveil the program’s 10 Roll Models! You likely already know this program is a season of workshops, rides, and meetups for women who already ride bikes to join together with women who are interested in bicycling. The Roll Models provide a critical link between these two […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on March 21, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on March 21, 2013.


Women & Bicycles Launches—Finally!

Following a successful match-grant fundraiser and a generous grant from the League of American Bicyclists, WABA’s Women & Bicycles program officially launched on Sun., March 3 at Busboys & Poets. The party followed a group ride hosted by Black Women Bike and preceded the League’s Women’s Cycling Forum, a kickoff to its yearly National Bike […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on March 11, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on March 11, 2013.


Watch: Veronica Davis at the 2013 National Bike Summit

See Black Women Bike co-founder Veronica Davis speak during the yesterday’s Ignite sessions at the National Bike Summit about the founding of her advocacy organization. Black Women Bike, which started in 2011 and now boasts a Facebook group of over 750 members, recently joined up with WABA.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on March 6, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on March 6, 2013.


Women & Bicycles Fully Funded, Thanks to League of American Bicyclists’ Women Bike

The face of bicycling is changing in cities across the country, and nowhere is that more evident than in the nation’s capital. Since 2004, Washington, D.C., has seen a 175 percent increase in cycling and a 300 percent increase in its bike lane network. Despite these incredible gains, the number of women on bikes has […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 27, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 27, 2013.


An Evening of Outreach on L Street

As promised, D.C. bike ambassadors blanketed L Street NW last night to reach out to drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians with information on how to properly use the cycletrack. About eight ambassadors and several MPD officers distributed literature, talked to cyclists and drivers, and worked to alleviate any tension in the cycletracks. Read an additional recap […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 13, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 13, 2013.


Cycletracks 101

There are three cycletracks in place in D.C. More are being planned. And despite cycletracks being some of the city’s most visible infrastructure for cyclists, there’s plenty of “confusion”—or ignorance—on the part of drivers who try to park or drive in them. This legitimately baffles pedestrians and makes it harder for bicyclists to use the […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 13, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 13, 2013.


MoveDC’s Idea Exchange Kicks Off DDOT’s Long-Term Planning Process

Saturday’s Idea Exchange was the beginning of DDOT’s MoveDC project, a long-term planning process that will determine the future of transportation in D.C. for at least the next 25 years. The event combined public input, appearances by D.C. politicians, and a panel of local urbanist thinkers. Mayor Vince Gray was vocal in his desires for […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 13, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 13, 2013.


MoveDC Kicks Off This Saturday

DDOT’s long-range transportation plan for the city, MoveDC, will formally begin this Saturday with an all-day meeting at the Martin Luther King Jr. library. The “idea exchange” will include a welcome address by Mayor Vincent Gray, Councilmember Mary Cheh, and DDOT Director Terry Bellamy; discussions on the future of transportation; and an all-day transportation fair. […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 7, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 7, 2013.


Women & Bicycles Bulletin #1

It feels like we’ve been talking about our Women & Bicycles program forever. We’re preparing to finally, finally launch it officially in March—and we’ve got a lot to do before then. We sent out the first Women & Bicycles Bulletin to those who signed up for our email list today, and we’re reposting the information […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 6, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 6, 2013.


Women & Bicycles Bulletin #1

It feels like we’ve been talking about our Women & Bicycles program forever. We’re preparing to finally, finally launch it officially in March—and we’ve got a lot to do before then. We sent out the first Women & Bicycles Bulletin to those who signed up for our email list today, and we’re reposting the information […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 6, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 6, 2013.


Job Alert: Be Our 2013 East of the River Program Associate

WABA is looking for an East of the River Program Associate. See our jobs page for more information, or read below the jump.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 13, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 13, 2013.


Why We Don’t Support Mandatory Helmet Laws

Last night, we asked you to take action to oppose a mandatory helmet law introduced in the Maryland House of Delegates’ Committee on Environmental Matters. In response, some of you asked for additional information on the “debatable” effects on bicyclists’ safety and the negative impacts on cycling that a mandatory helmet law would have. We […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on June 10, 2022.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on June 10, 2022.


New Campaign to Stop U-Turns on Penn Tomorrow

The following press release comes from the District Department of Transportation. Representatives from DDOT, the Metropolitan Police Department, and the D.C. Taxicab Commission will be present to inform and cite motorists who illegally turn across the lanes. D.C. bike ambassadors will also make an appearance. — MPD, DDOT and DCTC to Conduct Pennsylvania Avenue U-Turn […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 29, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 29, 2013.


Grand Unveiling of Our Women & Bicycles Logo(s)

The Women & Bicycles program will officially launch at the beginning of March. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our website to sign up for the Women & Bicycles email list–that way, you’ll receive bi-weekly updates on the program’s status and launch. We have lots of news on the way, so look […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 24, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 24, 2013.


WABA and Black Women Bike DC Formally Join Forces

After more than a year of working with our friends and partners at Black Women Bike DC to grow and diversify bicycling in the District, we are pleased to announce that WABA and BWBDC have formally joined forces. BWBDC is now formally a sponsored project of WABA. This move, unanimously approved by the leadership of […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 23, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 23, 2013.


Anacostia Riverwalk Trail Bridge Construction Halted

In April 2012, Mayor Gray cut the ribbon for the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail bridge on the river’s west side. This was the first of two riverwalk trail bridges planned to pass over the CSX tracks. The second bridge, on the east side of the river, should have been completed this past July. But in January 2013, […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 15, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 15, 2013.


Three Ways to Fix the 14th Street Bridge Connection

Over 1,800 bicyclists crossed the 14th Street bridge on Sept.13th, 2011. That number has no doubt increased by now. Most cyclists riding on the bridge during the morning rush are coming from Virginia to major employment hubs: Federal Triangle, downtown D.C., and Capitol Hill. Those “in the know” riders are conditioned to the fractured connection […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 10, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 10, 2013.


DDOT Clarifies Status of Anacostia Riverwalk Trail Link

Last month, we wrote here about DDOT’s failure to provide, via the new 11th Street Bridge, a direct connection for the east and west sides of the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail. Councilmember Tommy Wells’ staff followed up with DDOT to ensure that trail access would be included in the construction of the new bridge. DDOT responded […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 3, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 3, 2013.


Watch: What Is Women & Bicycles?

Our fundraising for the Women & Bicycles program is progressing steadily. Many thanks to those of you who have donated. We passed the $2,000 mark last night. As of this morning, we’ve raised $2,050, all of which will be matched. American University student Terence Johnson shot and produced a few clips for WABA that show […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on December 29, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on December 29, 2012.


Our Women & Bicycles Program Is for Everyone

Many thanks to those of you who have donated to WABA’s Women & Bicycles program since we announced a $4,000 match grant on Wednesday. As of this morning, we’ve raised $1,450 to be matched. We’ve told you why getting women on bikes matters, especially for, well, women. But there’s also the fact that once women […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on December 29, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on December 29, 2012.


Ride the Hains Point 100 for WABA’s Women & Bicycles Program

Will you be in town on Sun., Dec. 23? Ride the Hains Point 100! WABA member Megan Jones will be riding 100 miles around Hains Point to raise money for WABA’s Women & Bicycles program, which will launch next year. Follow the steps to donate to Megan’s ride here, or bring cash on Sunday. You […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on December 29, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on December 29, 2012.


11th Street Bridge Fails to Link Anacostia Riverwalk Trail

In a few months, DDOT’s largest project to date will be finished without promised bicycle and pedestrian connections built in. The 11th Street Bridges is the largest element in the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative and is a critical way to connect bicyclists and pedestrians from both sides of the Anacostia River. It is also necessary for use […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Greg Billing on December 12, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Greg Billing
on December 12, 2012.


Update on Pennsylvania Avenue Cycletrack U-Turn Enforcement

UPDATE (Dec. 12, 2012): The mayor’s office tells WABA that MPD “is out there is force right now” and “plans on having an enhanced presence every morning and afternoon this week.” MPD was waiting on the bike lanes to be completely finished, which included the rider marks in the center of the lanes being painted. […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on December 12, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on December 12, 2012.


Stop U-Turns. Pennsylvania Ave. & Beyond

Yesterday, I wrote about some of the changes coming to the Pennsylvania Avenue bike lanes.  Unfortunately, nothing I wrote about there is likely to fix the issue of illegal U-turns by motorists through the bike lanes. But I also spent much of the day yesterday trying to get to the bottom of the enforcement issues and why […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on November 9, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on November 9, 2012.


I am not angry at clueless Bikeshare riders

So, with that proof of the fallacy of the Examiner headline, let’s move on. If you are clueless, we have classes available in DC, Arlington, and Bethesda to help with that.  We’ve added classes and have many spots available.  (If you aren’t sure if you’re clueless, ask an honest friend or fellow cyclist when you’re […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on September 13, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on September 13, 2012.


A Quick Note on Automated Enforcement

In a Washington Post column yesterday, Courtland Milloy quoted from an email I wrote stating WABA’s position on speed cameras, implying that we favored a more punitive automated enforcement system.  That is a significant mischaracterization of the position stated. Mr. Milloy’s column speaks for itself, so I will not respond to its points here.  However, […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on September 12, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on September 12, 2012.


St. Elizabeths Bike Carnival Recap

This summer, the historic campus of St. Elizabeths was opened to the public for a summer-long series of community events. On August 25th, WABA hosted  the St. Elizabeths bike carnival, an event to promote cycling East of the Anacostia River and beyond. Attendees from across the street and across the region took advantage of the rare […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on August 29, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on August 29, 2012.


St. Elizabeths Bike Carnival: Getting There

Riding to the St. Elizabeths East Bike Carnival? We are pleased to report that our friends at BicycleSPACE and at Kidical Mass are each leading rides to the event! KIDICAL MASS RIDE  If you are riding with kids, ride with Kidical Mass at any of these locations to ride along with parents and kids.  It’s a […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson on August 24, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson
on August 24, 2012.


To commemorate the life and history of civil rights advocate Frederick Douglass, WABA partnered with local community members and organizations to co-host the first “Lion Ride” through historic Anacostia and Anacostia Park. The heat and humidity of early August Washington weather didn’t deter the hundreds of attendees who roamed the grounds of the Frederick Douglass Historic […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson on August 17, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson
on August 17, 2012.


A Bike Buying Guide from Black Women Bike DC

We are frequently asked for tips on buying a new bike.  It was a major topic of conversation at our new member open house on Tuesday, and we’re increasingly asked by people ready to move from Capital Bikeshare to a personal bike how to go about it. This morning, I saw this guide posted by […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing on August 2, 2012.

Blog Post: Last updated by Shane Farthing
on August 2, 2012.