Treasures Abound And Good Times Found!

Over 70 brave explorers came out to join in WABA’s Anacostia Riverwalk Treasure Hunt this past Saturday. Sporting costumes, colorful headwear, impressive team branding, and almost giddy excitement, the 25 teams came prepared for some serious riddle sleuthing and river wandering.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on September 5, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on September 5, 2014.


200 Bikes Repaired at Anacostia Library: Thanks DCPL, The Bike House

It’s been a busy summer, but on the final Saturday of July the Anacostia Library hosted the final mobile bike repair clinic of the season, and we’re pleased to report over fifty bikes were repaired. That brings our season total to over 200  bikes repaired through this season’s partnership among DCPL, The Bike House, and […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on August 14, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on August 14, 2014.


Looking for a fun ride? Try the Marvin Gaye Trail

We found perfect picnic spots around every corner.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on July 31, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on July 31, 2014.


DC Dept. of Public Works Testing Side Underrun Guards

The District Department of Public Works (DPW) is piloting a few designs of side underrun guards on a some of their large vehicles. Underrun guards are installed to limit the likelihood a bicyclist or pedestrian would be pulled underneath a vehicle when a crash occurs.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan on July 21, 2022.

Blog Post: Last updated by Garrett Hennigan
on July 21, 2022.


Women & Bicycles Tip: Your Helmet May Not Be Protecting You

This is part of our Women & Bicycles blog series,  part of WABA’s initiative to build a stronger women’s bike community and get more women on bikes.  These posts aren’t exclusive to women, but they’re produced with and through the Women & Bicycles’ programming. Click here to learn more and get involved. We recommend and […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on July 16, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on July 16, 2014.


Setting the Record Straight re: Milloy’s “Bullies”

Yesterday, The Washington Post published a column by Courtland Milloy that attempts to justify the violent assault of bicyclists by motorists, writing: “It’s a $500 fine for a motorist to hit a bicyclist in the District, but some behaviors are so egregious that some drivers might think it’s worth paying the fine.” The “egregious” behavior […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on May 16, 2023.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on May 16, 2023.


Women & Bicycles Tip: Bring Back The Romper!

This is part of our Women & Bicycles blog series,  part of WABA’s initiative to build a stronger women’s bike community and get more women on bikes.  These posts aren’t exclusive to women, but they’re produced with and through the Women & Bicycles’ programming. Click here to learn more and get involved.   All the […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson on July 8, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson
on July 8, 2014.


Streetcar Tracks

Tips for navigating a dangerous road situation

Blog Post, Resource: Last updated by Colin Browne on March 26, 2020.

Blog Post, Resource: Last updated by Colin Browne
on March 26, 2020.


Women & Bicycles Tip: Approaching Kidical Mass

This entry is part of our Women & Bicycles blog series. Women & Bicycles is WABA’s outreach and encouragement initiative to build a stronger women’s bike community and get more women on bikes. These posts certainly aren’t exclusive to women, but they’re produced with and through the Women & Bicycles’ programming and staffing. Click here to learn more and […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson on June 25, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson
on June 25, 2014.


What to Do In the Event of a Crash

Bicycle crashes are scary, disorienting events. Nobody wants to think about being involved in a crash, but it’s important to know what to do in case of emergency. Hopefully you will never have to experience this first-hand, but you may be able to help out your fellow bicyclists with your level-headed understanding of what to […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Daniel Hoagland on July 5, 2016.

Blog Post: Last updated by Daniel Hoagland
on July 5, 2016.


We’re Hiring! Be Our Communications Coordinator

The Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) seeks a Communications Coordinator to tell the story of our advocacy, outreach, education, and events programming. Much of the work of building a better region for bicycling occurs in meeting rooms and classrooms, on the bike lanes and trails, and in the office—reading laws, regulations, and plans.  The job […]

Blog Post: Last updated by WABA Staff on April 8, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by WABA Staff
on April 8, 2014.


Bike Laws

Our guide to regional bike laws.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on October 24, 2023.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on October 24, 2023.


This Week in Bike Reads

Read Bike Portland’s dispatches from the National Bike Summit San Francisco can very definitely afford bike infrastructure, according to this Green Lane Project infographic. Register for Bike to Work Day 2014! Winter will never go away. Fortunately, there are endless tips on how to handle winter riding. Here are some from WTOP. Er, well, maybe […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on March 5, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on March 5, 2014.


It Is Time for “Vision Zero” in D.C.

On Friday, I will be testifying on behalf of WABA at the Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety’s annual oversight hearing on the efforts of the Metropolitan Police Department. On Monday, I will be testifying at the Transportation & Environment Committee’s oversight hearing on the efforts of the District Department of Transportation. It’s time […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on February 26, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on February 26, 2014.


Women & Bicycles Tip: The 15-Minute Bike Wash

This entry is part of our Women & Bicycles blog series. Women & Bicycles is WABA’s outreach and encouragement initiative to build a stronger women’s bike community and get more women on bikes. These posts certainly aren’t exclusive to women, but they’re produced with 2 and through the Women & Bicycles’ programming and staffing. Click here to learn more and […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 30, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 30, 2014.


Resources: Biking Visibly

This blog post is part of a new series by our bike ambassadors. It’s dedicated to presenting tips that will encourage new riders to get started. We’ll link these posts on our Resources page, forming a library of tips for beginning cyclists. Staying visible on your bicycle is extremely important, but easy to overlook: You […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 24, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 24, 2014.


Types of Bike Lanes

Bike lanes, explained.

Blog Post, Resource: Last updated by Colin Browne on March 26, 2020.

Blog Post, Resource: Last updated by Colin Browne
on March 26, 2020.


2013 in WABA’s Photos

Friend of WABA M.V. Jantzen put together a nifty app that allows one to explore a Flickr user’s “best” photos, based on Flickr’s “interestingness” rating (which combines views, favorites, and comments on uploaded photos). Here are the best photos on WABA’s own Flickr account, and here are the best photos from WABA’s Flickr pool, to […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 20, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 20, 2014.


Bike Theft is on the Rise. Take 10 Minutes and Do This Now.

Last week, we gave you a brief overview of what to do in the event that your bike is stolen. In that post, we mentioned WABA’s bicycle owner record sheet, which we’d like to discuss in a bit more detail today. When a bike is stolen, the first thing you should do is to call […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne on July 21, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Colin Browne
on July 21, 2014.


Resources: Basic Bike Commuting Gear

This blog post is part of a new series by our bike ambassadors. It’s dedicated to presenting tips that will encourage new riders to get started. We’ll link these posts on our Resources page, forming a library of tips for beginning cyclists. Commuting by bicycle isn’t complicated. You don’t need much to get started. Once […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 17, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 17, 2014.


Protected Bike Lanes Mean Business

The Alliance for Biking and Walking and People for Bikes released a report this week that definitively states how and why protected bike lanes—in D.C., lanes like the cycletracks on Pennsylvania Avenue, 15th Street, and L Street—generate business for nearby storefronts. We often tout the proximity to bike lanes as an economic benefit; the Alliance […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on January 17, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on January 17, 2014.


Women & Bicycles Tip: Be Prepared for Bike Theft

This entry is part of our Women & Bicycles blog series. Women & Bicycles is WABA’s outreach and encouragement initiative to build a stronger women’s bike community and get more women on bikes. These posts certainly aren’t exclusive to women, but they’re produced with and through the Women & Bicycles’ programming and staffing. Click here to learn more […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Greg Billing on September 4, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Greg Billing
on September 4, 2014.


Women & Bicycles Tip: Learn Bike Etiquette From Your Legos

This entry is part of our Women & Bicycles blog series. Women & Bicycles is WABA’s outreach and encouragement initiative to build a stronger women’s bike community and get more women on bikes. These posts certainly aren’t exclusive to women, but they’re produced with and through the Women & Bicycles’ programming and staffing. Click here to learn more […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson on June 25, 2014.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson
on June 25, 2014.


Bicycling and Gender-Based Street Harassment: A Recap

 This entry is part of our Women & Bicycles Tips series. Women & Bicycles is WABA’s outreach and encouragement initiative to build a stronger women’s bike community and get more women on bikes. These tips certainly aren’t exclusive to women, but they’re produced with and through the Women & Bicycles’ programming and staffing. Click here to learn more […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on December 5, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on December 5, 2013.


The Cap City Bike Expo, in Photos

On Nov. 16, 2013, WABA concluded the third year of its seasonal East of the River grant program with the inaugural Cap City Bike Expo. Held at the Anacostia Arts Center, the Expo brought entertainment, activities, and conversations about what it’s like to bike east of the river to the grant zone, which includes Anacostia, […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on December 4, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on December 4, 2013.


Women & Bicycles Tip: Add These to Your Shelves

 This entry is part of our Women & Bicycles Tips series. Women & Bicycles is WABA’s outreach and encouragement initiative to build a stronger women’s bike community and get more women on bikes. These tips certainly aren’t exclusive to women, but they’re produced with and through the Women & Bicycles’ programming and staffing. Click here to learn more […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson on November 21, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Nelle Pierson
on November 21, 2013.


Basic Maintainence

Easy steps to keep your bike in great riding condition.

Blog Post, Resource: Last updated by Colin Browne on March 26, 2020.

Blog Post, Resource: Last updated by Colin Browne
on March 26, 2020.


Women & Bicycles Tip: Reflect On Your Bicycle

 This entry is part of our Women & Bicycles Tips series. Women & Bicycles is WABA’s outreach and encouragement initiative to build a stronger women’s bike community and get more women on bikes. These tips certainly aren’t exclusive to women, but they’re produced with and through the Women & Bicycles’ programming and staffing. Click here to learn more […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on November 14, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on November 14, 2013.


Resources: Finding the Right Bike

This blog post is part of a new series by our bike ambassadors. It’s dedicated to presenting tips that will encourage new riders to get started. We’ll link these posts on our Resources page, forming a library of tips for beginning cyclists. No matter how you want to use it—whether it’s riding to work or venturing […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on November 14, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on November 14, 2013.


The Kidical Mass Cupcake Ride, in Photos

This is a guest post by Megan Odett, the Alliance for Biking and Walking’s member services coordinator and the organizer of Kidical Mass DC. On Sat., Sept. 28, over 40 kids and adults met in Stanton Park on Capitol Hill to undertake a leisurely ride to Georgetown Waterfront Park and enjoy cupcakes from Sprinkles Bakery. […]

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca on October 22, 2013.

Blog Post: Last updated by Alex Baca
on October 22, 2013.