
Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for the latest events, advocacy, and bad jokes.


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Past Weekly Newsletters

on the joys of being an advocate (October Newsletter)

Check out upcoming fall action opportunities and events, plus some of the important forums we’ve attended advocating for better bicycling for YOU!


Newsletter: high honors

things to celebrate on a rainy weekend


Newsletter: loud engines and quiet corners

We all do what we can to deny the cold indifference of the universe but I sure wish the car culture crowd would find a way to do so that doesn’t undermine the health and safety of the rest of us.


Newsletter: ground truthing

Maps are fun, but so is getting lost.


Newsletter: telling stories

Local news is important.


Newsletter: rainy day activities

Don’t ride in a tropical storm, hone your route-planning skills instead.


Newsletter: Nature doing its thing

Sometimes all it takes is a whole lot of turtles.


Newsletter: Cornering at speed.

Places to go zooooooooom on your bike.


Newsletter: Read this later.

It’s too nice out.


Newsletter: A good map

And also a confession.


Newsletter: preparations and official recommendations

The real risk of riding in winter weather.


Newsletter: questionable schemes by moonlight

A civilized way to move through a series of vibrant human spaces.


Newsletter: in praise of the Trolley Trail

A civilized way to move through a series of vibrant human spaces.


Newsletter: tell me about your bike internet

Finding cool bike content in a post-twitter digital universe.


Newsletter: into the darkness

a lot of words about bike lights.


Newsletter: behind the scenes

Photos from ride prep.


Newsletter: why are we like this

Basically: endorphins and adrenaline.


Newsletter: showing off

If you’re in a grim mood, grab a cup of coffee and a seat on a bench in Alethia Tanner Park and watch humanity pedal by. 


Newsletter: biking and belonging

Like riding the school bus as kids or walking to class in college, a great bike trail lets you keep being a community even while you’re between destinations.


Newsletter: broken bumpers and the bare minimum

Vision Zero is really just the baseline.


Newsletter: 17-year freewheels

It’s too nice out.


Newsletter: headspace infrastructure

What keeps you going when you’re tired?


Newsletter: antidotes to the spreadsheet blues

Even when you’re not riding yourself, bikes are a source of joy.


Newsletter: Flowers, Signups, Tacos

The best flowers you can see from your bike.


Newsletter: support your neighborhood bike shop

Flat tires, man.


Newsletter: permission slip

Sweat is ok.


Newsletter: doesn’t look like the robots will save us

More trains, more buses, and more bike lanes. Everything else is tinkering at the margins. 


Newsletter: 100 feet per mile

Hills are what you make of them.


Newsletter: fluvial synergy

Ride your bike to rent a boat. It’s rad.


Newsletter: the soft, warm light of catastrophe

Will a blanket of toxic smoke stretching from New York to the nation’s capital be the wake-up-call our elected leaders need?


Newsletter: Happy Bike to Work Day

Who ate the most bananas?


Newsletter: Two Secret Ingredients

Keys to a happy bike ride.


Newsletter: sensory route planning

How to feel your ride.


Newsletter: The business ruse

Complete Streets are good for business, and no amount of economic activity is worth letting people die at the hands of drivers. 


Newsletter: A fun route idea for the weekend

A route-planning puzzle, good news about the Zoo, some cool bike parking, and more.


Newsletter: Pollen

The Mayor’s budget, new Capital Bikeshare fleet, and more.


Newsletter: Consult Your Dentist Before Reading

The DC Auditor’s report on Vision Zero, name a new trail, and more


Newsletter: Bike Parking and Reclaiming Space

What if, instead of half a million dollars in police overtime, all you needed for an Open Streets event was some friends and a football? 


Weekly Newsletter: January 27th, 2023

E-bikes, Ducks vs Disney Songs,


Newsletter: The past is real.

Trash fires, human geography, rain gear, and a really nice ride suggestions.


Newsletter: The legacy of Stan the Sinkhole

Trail Cleanups, Improvements coming for the Suitland Parkway Trail and 11th St NW, and more.